
Abuse is never acceptable


THANK you POST for the most talked about subject in all homes in Chatsworth – “Outrage over rape of girl, 9”.

Once again Havenside in Chatsworth is in the news, and for all the wrong reasons. First it was Baby Jamie and now the alleged rape of a 9-year old girl from Havenside.

Although comments are based on premature speculatio­n, I can reasonably say that in respect of the alleged brutal rape, the cause may well be drug or alcohol related, or family abuse. In spite of POST over the past few weeks publishing articles regarding the dangers of drugs and alcohol abuse, it seems very little heed has been taken by some readers.

There has been widescale condemnati­on and with it the apportioni­ng of blame. A wake up call for some of us to say, Yes, we knew something is amiss, but decided to keep quiet and not get involved. We are generally a community that is suffering from an inability to react when we see this type of abuse, which is unacceptab­le.

Are we becoming a society of degenerati­ng morals? I say Yes. We need to start reviving the values of our forefather­s. If we don’t, the future will be saturated with the decay of the present, child abuse, rape and even murder will be the order of the day.

As a community we must never allow an abuse, be it a child, mother, or sister to happen which is becoming very common. We must hang our heads in shame for allowing a child to be raped. I like the saying, “Oppress not the weak, remember your fate is in stronger hands”.


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