
Beware digging for roots

- LALLO M HARIRAM uMlanga Ridge

WITH reference to the articles “SA Indians ignorant of their roots” and ”Family reunion helps launch ancestry search” ( POST, November 8-12).

Now 157 years later, the indentured Indian families are no longer in their villages; rather, their children or grandchild­ren have moved on for greener pastures elsewhere in India or outside.

Some 20 years ago, I headed for Basti, in Uttar Pradesh, India, in search of my grandfathe­r’s families.

Ten people linked themselves as being my grandfathe­r’s families. None of them had any concrete evidence or photograph­s.

This entire exercise was a financial disaster.

The ancestry search is costly and frightenin­g with demands made to you.

The best form of enjoyment is to keep your South African roots and identity intact.

I assure you, witch hunting will bring about your financial ruin.

The end result is that you will be burdened to make financial contributi­ons for your so-called cousins’ upkeep and for their welfare and well-being.

I have visited India well over 40 times and have good friends and my guru, Swami Sivananda, hails from Rishikesh.

I have met many SA Indians in Mumbai in search of their ancestral families. The majority of them were stripped of their cash and left for SA penniless.

The article on the AC Govender family reunion is headed in the right direction.

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