
Risk alert after childhood cancer


LARGELY due to the exposure to radiation therapy, people who have survived cancer in their childhood may be at an increased risk of developing hormone disorders that may lead to thyroid disease, testicular dysfunctio­n and diabetes, later, say experts.

To warn health care providers about these risks, the Endocrine Society, an internatio­nal medical organisati­on, recently issued a “Clinical Practice Guideline”, which was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinol­ogy and Metabolism (JCEM).

“Childhood cancer survivors have a high risk of developing endocrine disorders,” said Charles Sklar of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, chairperso­n of the writing committee that developed the guideline.

The endocrine system has eight major glands that make hormones which help control many important body functions including regulation of blood sugar.

Childhood cancer is relatively rare, and due to improvemen­ts in treatment and patient care, the current five-year survival rates exceed 80%.

However, these survivors also face a greater risk of developing sleep problems and daytime sleepiness as adults and hypertensi­on, even decades after cancer treatment ends.

Endocrine disorders are especially prevalent among this population, often as a result of their previous treatments, particular­ly exposure to radiation therapy.

Radiation exposure to key endocrine organs, including hypothalam­us, pituitary, thyroid and gonads, places cancer survivors at the highest risk of developing an endocrine abnormalit­y over time. – IANS

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