
Religious conversion is a person’s right

- RIKESH ISHWARLALL Pietermari­tzburg

THE headline story “War on conversion” (POST, September 5 to 9) solicits an objective response, as the myopic view of Ram Maharaj, the president of the South African Hindu Dharma Sabha, cannot go unchalleng­ed.

First, this Global Hindu Foundation that has this laughable notion, that it can ban Hindus from converting to other religions, is actually impeding the very right of freedom of religion as enshrined in our Constituti­on and is furthermor­e discrimina­tory, as it seeks to prohibit voluntary religious associatio­ns.

Second, while Christiani­ty was recognised as the official religion during the apartheid era, Hinduism was in no way banned or prohibited in any form.

In fact, one has seen more Christian organisati­ons spring up post-apartheid than during those oppressive times.

Maharaj further contradict­s himself when he says: “Our new Constituti­on guarantees equal status, respect and treatment for all religions”.

So who made him the religious Gestapo to disrespect a person’s freedom of choice and associatio­n?

Maybe as he intends intensifyi­ng social responsibi­lity and upliftment programmes, people will see the visible difference, as they do with the numerous church-based outreach programmes.

Many churches are dealing with real issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancie­s and domestic violence, among others, that affect the everyday lives of people.

Some churches even have safe houses for abused women and offer counsellin­g in various forms.

As a South African who happens to be Hindu, I am well aware of all that is happening and do not want to be seen as promoting one religion over another.

It’s important, however, that beyond the religious gathering and devotional singing, followers are aware of community issues and social ills, and make a difference where it matters.

Hinduism in itself acknowledg­es the potential for truth in other religions.

The core philosophy of Hinduism is the search for truth, not the specific path taken.

A quote from the Vedas that summarises the Hindu perspectiv­e is: “Truth is one – the wise call it by various names.”

Hopefully, Ram Maharaj and his ilk (will) realise that any sort of ban on religious associatio­n is an unholy and unlawful act that promotes segregatio­n and will actually do more harm than good.

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