
Principal heard raging in video


A RECENT video shared on social media purporting to be of a principal at a top-achieving Phoenix school screaming at one of the pupils, has sparked mixed reaction.

While many condemned the video, others have shared their support, and called out pupils’ for their lack of respect and discipline.

In the 15-second clip, a person believed to be the principal of Greenbury Secondary School screams at the pupil, calling him a “piece of s***” three times, and thereafter telling him to leave. However, as the schoolboy approaches the camera, he can be heard making a derogatory remark, allegedly against the principal.

The video, shared on the popular Facebook page Dala U Crew (DUC), has so far garnered more than 40000 views.

Sharing their views, a former pupil said: “This has, and always will be, the best principal the world has ever seen. He changed the lives of many students and has made many great titles of his students. Don’t let this video fool you.”

A teacher also shared her view: “The principal has made that school into the best in Phoenix. The students lack discipline and respect. As teachers we can attest to that.”

However, another user said: “Instead of that language, why doesn’t he just keep calm and call in that kid’s parents?”

Another user added: “How can he ever talk to a young man like that? There is certainly no excuse for his behaviour.”

The school’s governing body said while it is a top-achieving public school, it, too, like any other public school, is faced with many challenges and social evils.

“The pupils of our school are no different, and also fall victim to these social evils – crime, substance abuse, poverty and the complicati­ons and misuse of social media.


“While many aspire for a place at Greenbury Secondary, sadly a small percentage of our pupils can transgress the code of conduct.

“Hence the school governing body will engage all stakeholde­rs in this matter and find a solution to the issue at hand.”

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education spokespers­on Kwazi Mthethwa said while these were serious issues, the lack of discipline in schools was also a big issue.

“If the matter has not been resolved at district level, then the provincial department will intervene.

“However, the challenges that teachers and other school management face, especially lack of respect from pupils, are known to the department.

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