
Getting HOOKED

- ■ Please send any info about fishing, fish caught or competitio­ns in your area to mike.

THE weather has been a cruel mistress of late. The weather and sea conditions have been amazing during the week and shockingly bad over the weekend. Neverthele­ss, there have been some great catches.

Please leave the beaches, piers and rocks in a better state than when you arrived. Fishermen are often blamed for the litter lying around. Let us be an example by picking up our rubbish.

With the north-east wind predicted to blow in the next few days and the weather reminding us that summer is here, you’d better get your tackle in order because the big inedibles are going to be feeding well.

The North Coast has been plagued by warm water. This has put the fish off feeding, but the northeast winds that are predicted to blow should bring most of the North Coast back to life.

The points from Tugela south have all produced grey sharks for the guys throwing mackerel baits.

For these fish you can use either a circle or j-hook.

A bite trace of around 15-20cm is more than adequate for the smaller greys, but you may want to go for an FMJ if you are getting the bigger duskies.

I would suggest an 8/0 J-hook or a 6/0 circle; my preference is a 6/0 Mustad Tuna circle. A mackerel head is the best bait for these fish, but do not discount a mixed-grill bait of chokka and mackerel or redeye.

Grey sharks like chokka, so if you are going to target them, make sure to have some in your box.

The central zone has been fairly quiet in terms of catches. The piers are producing a constant run of edibles for the guys fishing through the different conditions.

The stumpies have been feeding well on most beaches and piers, and have favoured a juicy prawn bomb.

If are able to get your hands on some live crackers, you are in with an even better chance.

I prefer to use a 4/0-6/0 Mustad Ringed SoI hook for these fish as its combinatio­n of strength and sharpness doesn’t give the stumpies a chance. The guys fishing for the bigger inedibles have had a few fish to the side, but there have been no real fireworks to speak of.

The basin has produced a few decent flatfish, all of which have fallen for a bonito and mackerel mixed bait.

The South Coast saw a few fish come out during the first Common Venue League round of the year (KZNCAU).

There were a few grey sharks, a diamond or two and a surprising number of bronze bream landed.

The warm water did not seem to affect the fish down south as it did up north.

The scratching fish were all caught on cracker shrimp and pink prawn while the diamonds and grey sharks favoured shad and mackerel as baits.

Tight lines and screaming reels.

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The Kingfisher’s trading hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, Saturdays 8am to 1pm.

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