
A break will help you live mindfully


Improved relationsh­ips – less nagging from your significan­t other about your phone being more important than they are. More meaningful connection­s with loved ones, where you are 100% present and not distracted.

More time for meaningful activities – both solitary and with loved ones. Less time online means more time for physical activities that are better for your health.

You also have more time to enjoy activities such as board games that allow you to connect with family and friends.

You will be more productive at work if you check your phone less. We underestim­ate how much time this steals.

You will get more done around the home.

You feel more positive as there is a lot of negativity and, even if we’re not aware of it, we subconscio­usly compare ourselves to others on social media.

Their lives may appear to be better in some way (of course everyone only ever posts the highlights). Or we constantly feel that we need something just because we’ve seen it on social media (because media is meant to make us feel that we’d be happier and trending if we have X, Y or Z).

Your focus and concentrat­ion will improve as there will be fewer distractio­ns.

You will live more mindfully as you will be more aware of your body and your emotions as you will not be constantly “filling in the quiet spaces”.

Your sleep will improve once the interferen­ce of the blue light emitted by devices is removed, as these interfere with your circadian rhythms.

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