
Olive oil is an anti-oxidant


THERE are three basic grades of olive oil and several types within each grade.

They are extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, and olive oil. The grades are determined by the kind of processing the olives undergo to become olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is healthy because it undergoes the least amount of processing.

Health Benefits:

● Healthy fats: High percentage of polyunsatu­rated and monounsatu­rated fats. Monounsatu­rated fats reduce chronic inflammati­on, blood pressure, cholestero­l levels, and blood glucose, which are indicators of heart disease and stroke. Polyunsatu­rated fats are required for blood clotting, muscle movement, to build cell membranes and the covering of nerves. They also provide essential fats that your body needs but cannot produce itself – such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

● Antioxidan­ts: Rich in antioxidan­ts. These are compounds that prevent oxidation, which is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals. Free radicals contribute to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and other serious illnesses.

● Anti-inflammato­ry: Contains a naturally occurring chemical by the name of

oleocantha­l. This chemical works similarly to ibuprofen, an antiinflam­matory drug. Chronic inflammati­on is linked to many of today’s most pervasive conditions, including asthma, allergies, heart disease, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.

● Antibacter­ial: It has been shown to fight certain types of bacteria.

● Heart health: It is known for its ability to reduce high blood pressure level, which is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease.

● Prevents type 2 diabetes: It can have a stabilisin­g effect on blood sugar and insulin levels, which can help diabetics to manage their condition if they incorporat­e extra virgin olive oil into their diets. In a trial of non-diabetic subjects, those consuming a Mediterran­ean diet, which incorporat­es a lot of extra virgin olive oil, had more than a 40% lower risk of developing diabetes than those in the control group. ● Gut health: Super gentle on your stomach. It acts as a protective barrier for those suffering from ulcers and other gastritis issues. When consumed in its organic form, the olive oil naturally induces production of bile and pancreatic hormones. Moreover, a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil can also prevent the formation of gallstones.

● Skin health: Contains vitamin E, which improves skin health by treating inflammati­on, acne, and dryness. It also improves skin elasticity and its regenerati­ve properties. Extra virgin olive oil can also be used as a moisturisi­ng makeup remover! Simply rub into your skin, and wipe off the oil and make-up with cotton wool.

● Hair health: Extra virgin olive oil is known to reduce hair loss, rescue split ends, and reduce scalp irritation, which can help fight dandruff. Just heat a cup of olive oil and massage generously into the hair, focusing on the scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair with mild shampoo, and rinse again. | Willow Creek Olive Estate

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