
Torch-bearer of anti-graft crusade


WITH characteri­stic grace, President Cyril Ramaphosa campaigns tirelessly to free South Africa from the clutches of endemic corruption.

Even in adversity, when answering hurtful accusation­s, he displays leadership that takes courage.

He uses the corridors of Parliament to report the truth as he sees it.

He has time and again warned his comrades that the party has become a movement that dispenses patronage to convert a once noble mass movement into a feudal oligarchy.

The elite are enmeshing the living body of the ANC in their net of avarice. Ramaphosa practises smart politics without castigatin­g others.

He is principled and selflessly contribute­s to the developmen­t of the nation. He is a fine example of a self-made man. He has fearlessly been a torch-bearer of the anti-corruption crusade. Our growing impatience with corruption is visible in the proliferat­ion of anti-corruption leaders as political candidates.

The nation is impressed by his thoughts and seriousnes­s with which he takes his duties. This is unusual for many who are in power today.

With amazing humility and strong political conviction­s, he has made tremendous sacrifices. In today’s politicall­y-charged atmosphere, speaking the truth is tantamount to treason.

His intellectu­al brilliance coupled with his dynamic skills enable him to be the most respected MP.

His actions prove he lives and governs by his conscience.

According to an old saying, some people are born to greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. This modest politician has found himself equal to the challenge. FAROUK ARAIE Benoni

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Cyril Ramaphosa

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