
Taste of Durban

Tamarind And Chilli Grilled Prawns


Grilled prawns, lentil, onion and saffron rice served with tamarind sauce 6 queen prawns (cleaned and deveined)

1 cup cooked basmati rice half cup cooked lentils

50g red onion pinch of turmeric

1 strand saffron

20g garlic

1 chilli

50g onion

5g jeera powder

5g dhania powder

20g tamarind (soak in 100ml boiling water)

1 teaspoon honey half a tin of canned tomatoes 100ml oil salt

100g butter lemon wedge


Using half of the oil, sauté the onions, garlic, and chilli. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the jeera and dhania powder. Once the spices are cooked, add the tamarind with the water and the tin tomatoes. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes and remove from the stove. Using a stick blender, blend the sauce until smooth. Add honey and season.


In a pan on medium heat, sauté the red onion and lentils with butter and add the saffron. Once the onion is cooked, add the rice and season.

Butterfly the prawns and in a hot pan, add the oil and butter and the prawns.

Cook for a minute on each side. Drizzle some tamarind sauce in the pan and cook for a further 2 minutes.

Now that everything is done, plate as desired and serve with a lemon wedge and extra sauce on the side.

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