
Faith in Visvin Reddy as a leader


THE letter by Visvin Reddy, “Dhlomo must take responsibi­lity for poor state of health” (POST, July 14 - 21) refers.

I want to support his view that the blame for the deplorable state of the RK Khan Hospital lies with the former KZN MEC for Health, Dr Sibongisen­i Dhlomo.

It was under his watch that the health system reached crisis point. As the political head, he must take full responsibi­lity.

The board and chief executive have failed to speak out against these glaring inefficien­cies. They did not challenge the department.

The reason Reddy has earned my trust is that he stands out as a leader, who puts the interests of the community first. He is not afraid to tell it like it is and call a spade a spade.

In the past, when we complained about the poor treatment meted out to us, or the deplorable state of the hospital, Dr Prakash Subban (the former hospital chief executive) and the Reverend Cyril Pillay (chairperso­n of the board) would come to the defence of the hospital.

They were more concerned about image management than improved health care.

I am not necessaril­y a fan of Reddy, especially after the media furore that followed his statement about Indians going back to India, but I must commend him for his tenacity and bold leadership skills.

He was quick to apologise for his Indian comments and asked us to forgive him. How many leaders would do that?

Reddy has become a household name in South Africa as he fearlessly took on the government and his own political party, the ANC, over the fuel issue.

Our community is at a crossroads and there is a huge vacuum created after Amichand Rajbansi’s death.

Reddy would make the most suitable person in our community to fill this void. He has been trained by the Tiger himself.

Reddy, the time is right for you to start a political party that will be our voice and give the challenges of the Indian community some priority. MRS S SINGH Chatsworth

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