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Hazel Perumal: Praying for complete healing and restoratio­n. God truly is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker and our Light in the Darkness. All praises to Him . . .

Kalashakth­i Appigadoo: Dear Neville. So sad to hear of you being in the hospital. I pray God will restore your health and soon you will bounce back to being your energetic self. Have faith.

Santash Tics Sunthkumar: The regret I live with every day, not having my parents on medical aid. This led to both their early demise. Don’t make the same mistake people.

Jay Soobramone­y: I had a kidney removed in 2017. Same problem. Nev stay strong. My prayers are with you.

Merlin Naicker: Neville Pillay was the only reason I used to listen to Lotus FM in the mornings. I pray you have a full recovery.

Radhe Dasi: People take care of your health. Eat healthy green living foods. All things cooked and braaied are unhealthy. Stop driving this meat-eating mentality. Pray for strength Neville. KZN HEALTH RESPONDS TO R7M DAMAGES CLAIM OVER RK KHAN HOSPITAL MAGGOT SCANDAL:

Eureka Jaganath-Sewpersadh: Why R5 million for the son? If the hospital has that kind of money to pay the family, which might I add is steep, then they should be rather allowed to use that money to upgrade the hospital for the benefit of the community. I am sure the deceased would have rather preferred that. Sorry, but I cannot get my mind around two people becoming millionair­es overnight this way. I am also not convinced the maggots started in the hospital. They may have hatched in the hospital but surely the eggs were there for a while. I am not a fan of the hospital’s service, etc, but I think they are being unfairly blamed for this whole drama.

Sanjay Maharaj: While the event was unnecessar­y and tragic, I would like to know how the family arrived at R7 million as a damages claim. The taxpayers have a right to know as it would be their money being forked out.

Raeesa Dawood: What an outrage! Instead of personal gain and greed, why not question yourselves. How this happened when you ultimately are in contact with your loved one for a more minimum of two hours. Did you’ll not groom or feed him? Was he just left in hospital under nurses, who have 30 plus patients to care for? The family is many, which by far outweighs a single nurse! Before casting stones, I suggest you look at yourselves… Greed seriously is the lowest form of wealth and justice.

Nishaanie Hariram: When the video surfaced a lot of people commented, sue the hospital, and now that they are, the commenter associatio­ns say it was the family’s neglect also.

Yes, it might have been the case of family neglect but in the court of law, where public servants take an oath in their respective practices, this is seen as negligence from the hospital also… and unfortunat­ely, a man had to die under unethical and immoral standards. The hospital should be fined severely but I also think the family should not use this tragedy to mine out millions, as they also neglected the uncle! Maggots do not appear from thin air overnight and the first thing you do when you visit someone in hospital, especially a family member, is to check on their well-being. You clean them up irrespecti­ve of whether the hospital staff did or did not, and in most homes, we cook food and take it to visit. This is so that we can ensure the person is getting a good meal. If this was done by the family, I’m sorry the maggots would not have appeared. Hospital fined, no payout to the family!


Shanny Gee Gabriel: Of all the murder stories I’ve been reading, this honestly seems different. People are ever so quick to judge before knowing both sides of the story. A very young educated girl, there’s definitely something more to it.

Gerald Pillay: My personal opinion… this girl endured a lot and she must have seen the abuse her mom suffered not just that one day. It’s obviously over a long time. We were not there. She was there. I see this as her protecting her mom. Why paint an angel picture of the father now that he is dead? . . .

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