
Let’s expose useless councillor­s and MPLs


THERE are more and more committed members of the community, who have a passion to improve the lives of those around them.

They are opting to leave political parties so they can serve the people better.

Political parties are meant to be at the forefront of fighting for communitie­s but sadly it’s no longer the case.

These parties have become vehicles that opportunis­tic individual­s use to secure well-paying jobs as councillor­s, MPLs, and MPs.

Once elected, they become so aloof from the voters and their needs that they remain silent when communitie­s cry out for help.

I know I am generalisi­ng but most public representa­tives I know fall in this category.

Today, leadership contestati­on and internal conference­s dominate political parties’ agendas.

It’s a damn shame that communitie­s have replaced paid public representa­tives as the true voice of the people.

I say “damn shame” because the public representa­tives are paid to represent and voice the needs of the communitie­s and they have failed to do this. If they were employed as a worker, they would have been fired a long time ago.

Activists are volunteers.

I still say that it’s not too late to hold public representa­tives to account. We need to name and shame those councillor­s, MPLs, and MPs who fail to do their jobs.

Let’s begin by using the media, which is the same medium politician­s are using to promote themselves, to expose those who don’t do their jobs.

This week I tried to call a councillor and she did not answer. I’ve tried many times before and she never answers her phone.

She occupies a senior position in the municipali­ty and her party.

She responded by saying she was “busy” and asked “is the call urgent?”. I respond “yes” and an hour later still no response from her.

This one is another social media activist because she is active on WhatsApp and Facebook but is not seen in the community.

The first step in solving our community problems is to understand the role of public representa­tives. They are paid to represent and serve us. They must be available at all times to, at least, answer a call. If they fail to do this, they are not fit to hold this position.

Secondly, nothing stops us from exposing them. We must know where they stay and we must march to their homes. It can’t be that they get elected by us and ignore us until the next election. They treat us with contempt and as fools.

Thirdly, we must realise this: councillor­s, MPLs, and MPs are in the best position to solve our community problems. But today they are, in most cases, the source of the problems. Let’s name and shame them and force them to resign.

We have only ourselves to blame if our communitie­s are besieged by problems and our elected representa­tives are failing to address these.



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