
Wrong to cash in on virus


I KNEW it was coming, that some opportunis­tic pastor would step forth boldly as the saviour of the world and declare that he has the miracle cure for Covid-19.

Prophet King SoMnala, of the Nala Mandate church group from Umbilo, says he has got a miracle cure straight from God’s lips.

He maintains he is privileged to be the chosen one who has a direct line with God.

But he would only reveal the cure if world leaders and President Cyril Ramaphosa spoke to him.

Pastor SoMnala is not new to controvers­y.

A few years ago, when the HIV/ Aids was ravaging the country, the very same pastor said he had a cure for Aids.

But it turned out to be a hoax as he did not cure anyone.

Subsequent­ly, he was warned by the then MEC for Health in KwaZulu-Natal, Dr (Sibongisen­i) Dhlomo, to stop misleading the nation with his bizarre miracle claims.

If Pastor SoMnala really has the miracle powers given to him by God to heal people with Covid-19, all he has to do is go to a hospital where a patient is gasping for his last breath and raise him from his death bed.

A gasp of wonder will go up in the hospital and all of us will be convinced he is the saviour of Covid-19.

Of course, there are all sorts of cures going around for the virus.

Some believe Indian spices are good and turmeric and garlic will ward off this killer strain of influenza.

But the most bizarre one is from India where some people are recommendi­ng that you drink cow dung mixed with cow’s urine.

The cow is a revered animal in India and people believe that if you drink this mixture it will keep the virus at bay.

How anyone would drink this foul concoction is beyond my imaginatio­n. I suppose if you are on your death bed you would drink it if it saves your life.

But religious leaders should not jump on the bandwagon and cash in during this pandemic sweeping across the world. They should act responsibl­y in these trying times and not beguile their congregati­on with their fake cures.

What people afflicted with this life-threatenin­g virus need more than ever is love, compassion, comfort, care and prayers; not fake cures.

People the world over are praying for their loved ones struck down by Covid-19.



TO THE Minister of Human Settlement­s, Water and Sanitation

Did it take the Covid-19 pandemic to realise that thousands of people living in informal settlement­s desperatel­y need water?

Why boast about the thousands of water tankers the government dispatched to areas when communitie­s needed this water years ago – and your department did nothing about it?

Did it take Covid-19 for you to realise there are thousands of homeless people in the country?

Now you are finding shelters for the homeless.

Gauteng found about 80% of the shelters.

What about the other 20%? What job were you doing prior to Covid-19?

Why did you not see it then? You need water to wash your hands to stop the spread of the virus… you now provide water, which is a basic necessity for drinking, bathing and washing your clothing.

These people did not have water for years.

You identified several hotspots for water. What were you doing before Covid-19?

To the Minister of Defence

What is the need for the soldiers to work with firearms? Who are they going to shoot?

The war is against a virus. There is no need for firearms, which cannot kill the virus.

Thanks to the Motsepe and Kerzner families for their donations. What about the other millionair­es in SA?

Thanks to Covid-19 the MPs are working for a change.

Thanks to Covid-19 the homeless have shelters and informal settlement­s have water.

If there was no Covid-19 these people would not get shelter and water.



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