
Punched in face, hit on head

So says Neville Pillay... Not so, says ex-wife


NEVILLE Pillay, a former radio presenter and comedian, has accused his partner of abuse in a nine-minute video he posted last week.

He allegedly recorded the video at 3am last Thursday in a car parked outside a dialysis centre where he received treatment because he had been kicked out of his home.

He alleged he had been assaulted by his ex-wife Karol Pillay, with whom he has shared a home for the past few years.

“Can you see that? That’s my injuries, okay. That’s from my ex-wife Karol. She beat me up last night, badly, in front of my kids and that was the last straw.”

He said he and Karol had divorced in 2008 but, despite several break-ups, always got back together because he could not live without his kids.

“I always go back for my kids. But this time, it has gone too far. I’ve suffered abuse from the hands of this woman for too long, no matter how she sweet talks others into believing otherwise.”

He claimed that a few days before he had smoked dagga to help control pain.

Pillay claimed that Karol had punched him in the face, hit him with a broomstick on his head, cut his foot and smacked him over the head numerous times with his laptop bag. An iPad that was inside broke.

“Smoking weed doesn’t make you a junkie. I smoked one joint. I might as well be called a medical junkie as I take so many tablets to get rid of this pain ... I’ve been suffering abuse at the hands of this woman for more than 20 years. I kept quiet. No one wanted to believe me when I told them. I was told to keep quiet or my career will be over if she said anything ... men are abused too. I’ve been abused for many, many years.”

In July last year, Pillay’s daughter Jordan posted a plea on Facebook. She said that Pillay had had a mild stroke which resulted in him being partially-sighted.

Compounded by Type 2 diabetes, Pillay’s kidneys were failing and he required dialysis treatment. However, the family did not have medical aid nor money for the treatment.

He was also told that without the dialysis he would die within months.

At the time, Pillay’s nephrologi­st (kidney specialist) confirmed his kidneys were in their final stages and that he would need dialysis at least three times a week. Sponsors came forward and Pillay was able to receive treatment.

In the video, Pillay said the money donated towards his treatment last year had been “used up” and this was the reason he was being abused.

Pillay opened a case of theft and assault against Karol at the Durban Central police station that same night.

A day later, Pillay posted again on Facebook that he got help (clothes, medication and other equipment he needs) from a few people. He said his lawyers would deal with his alleged abuser.

At the weekend, he shared a third video. He said he had not receive clothing or medication from his family and that he was leaving everything in God’s hands.

 ??  ?? NEVILLE and Karol Pillay
NEVILLE and Karol Pillay

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