
Anti-corruption webinar by Sabha


IN its effort to contribute to the fight against corruption, the South African Hindu Maha Sabha will host an anti-corruption webinar on Saturday.

Ashwin Trikamjee, the Sabha’s president, said the objective was to support and escalate mobilisati­on against corruption by increasing public awareness.

“Everyday lurid details of corrupt practices by custodians of the state and their allies in business and society at large make headlines. Amid this depressing narrative, is also a ray of hope as the people of this country fight back,” said Trikamjee.

“We need to join the struggle to take our country in the direction that was promised on that amazing day in 1994 when Nelson Mandela was inaugurate­d as the first democratic­ally elected president of South Africa.”

Trikamjee added that there was a close associatio­n between religion, ethics and morality.

“A common thread in Hindu scriptures, and indeed in all faiths, is the call to fight for justice and righteousn­ess, and corruption is a deviation from this path of righteousn­ess.”

Speakers will include Swami Abhedanand­aji from the Chinmaya Mission; Pravin Gordhan, the Minister of Public Enterprise­s; Professor William Gumede from Wits University, Sanusha Naidu from the Institute for Global Dialogue, and Nishaan Bolton from the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation.

The webinar will take place from 2pm. It will be streamed live on the Sabha’s Facebook page.

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