
A voice of reason


A TRUE South African giant has left us, but his spirit will live on in the everyday kindness we South Africans show each other, and in our continued effort to build a united, successful, nonracial South Africa for all.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu left an indelible mark on the fabric of South African society, having played a key role in ending apartheid and in the peaceful transition to constituti­onal democracy through the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission.

For almost three decades since, he has been a voice of reason and compassion against poverty, racism, xenophobia and corruption, and for human developmen­t. When we lost our way, he was the moral compass that brought us back.

In relation to the HIV epidemic, he took a stand for compassion and HIV prevention and treatment.

His Desmond Tutu Health Foundation has worked tirelessly to fulfil his mission to protect individual­s, families and communitie­s in South Africa from the HIV epidemic. He worked towards ending stigma of all kinds, speaking out against the infringeme­nt of LGBTIQ rights across Africa.

He was a most wonderful individual, possessing both great kindness and great courage.

A true father of our nation, and a role model for all, who never shied from speaking truth to power.

The DA will continue to work towards building the South Africa he envisaged.

We extend our deepest condolence­s to his wife and family and other loved ones.

As a nation, we are in mourning, for we have all lost a most remarkable, special individual who showed us the best we could be.


Leader of the DA

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