
Global leaders pay homage


◆ JOE AND JILL BIDEN, US PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY: On this morning after Christmas, we are heartbroke­n to learn of the passing of a true servant of God and of the people, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. His courage and moral clarity helped inspire our commitment to change American policy toward the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa.

◆ KAMALA HARRIS, US VICEPRESID­ENT: Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a fervent, vocal opponent of apartheid and a committed champion of human rights. He inspired millions, not just in South Africa, but worldwide to stand with those fighting for freedom and justice.

◆ VATICAN TELEGRAM: His Holiness Pope Francis was saddened to learn of the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu … Mindful of his service to the gospel through the promotion of racial equality and reconcilia­tion in his native South Africa, his Holiness commends his soul to the loving mercy of Almighty God.”

◆ BARACK OBAMA, FORMER US PRESIDENT: Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a mentor, a friend and a moral compass for me and so many others. A universal spirit, Archbishop Tutu was grounded in the Struggle for liberation and justice in his own country, but also concerned with injustice everywhere. He never lost his impish sense of humour and willingnes­s to find humanity in his adversarie­s, and Michelle and I will miss him dearly.

◆ QUEEN ELIZABETH: I am joined by the whole Royal Family in being deeply saddened by the news of the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a man who tirelessly championed human rights in South Africa and across the world. I remember with fondness my meetings with him and his great warmth and humour.

◆ ANTONIO GUTERRES, UN SECRETARYG­ENERAL: I am deeply saddened by the passing of Archbishop Desmond Tutu – a towering global figure for peace and justice, voice of the voiceless and inspiratio­n to people everywhere.

◆ JIMMY CARTER, FORMER US PRESIDENT: No words better exemplify his ministry than the three he contribute­d to a work of art at The Carter Centre: Love, freedom and compassion.

◆ JUSTIN WELBY, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY: Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a prophet and priest, a man of words and action – one who embodied the hope and joy that were the foundation­s of his life.

◆ THE DALAI LAMA, TIBET’S SPIRITUAL LEADER: The friendship and the spiritual bond between us was something we cherished. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was entirely dedicated to serving his brothers and sisters for the greater common good.

◆ BERNICE KING, DAUGHTER OF MARTIN LUTHER KING: I’m saddened to learn of the death of a global sage, human rights leader, and powerful pilgrim on Earth … We are better because he was here.

◆ WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: His contagious sense of humour and laughter has helped to resolve many critical situations in South Africa’s political and church life. He was able to break almost any deadlock. He shared with us the laughter and grace of God many a time.

◆ BORIS JOHNSON, UK PRIME MINISTER: He was a critical figure in the fight against apartheid and in the Struggle to create a new South Africa – and will be remembered for his spiritual leadership and irrepressi­ble good humour.

◆ WASEL ABU YOUSSEF, MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANISATI­ON: Father Desmond Tutu was one of the biggest supporters of the Palestinia­n cause. He had always advocated the rights of the Palestinia­ns to gain their freedom and rejected Israeli occupation and apartheid.

◆ GRAÇA MACHEL, WIDOW OF NELSON MANDELA AND FORMER MOZAMBIQUE PRESIDENT SAMORA MACHEL: Fighting for freedom from the trenches of South Africa required a courage that cannot be described ... And yet he stood resolute and fearless, leading demonstrat­ions cloaked in his flowing clerical robe with his cross as his shield – the embodiment of humankind’s moral conscience.

◆ MPHO TUTU VAN FURTH, DAUGHTER OF DESMOND TUTU: My father was a man of prayer and a man of peace. His heart was big enough to hold the whole world in love. He was in the company of the most powerful people on Earth and he sat with the smallest, the weakest, the poorest and the neediest. He did it with the same love and laugh.

◆ THABO MAKGOBA, ARCHBISHOP OF CAPE TOWN: Desmond Tutu’s legacy is moral strength, moral courage and clarity. He felt with the people. In public and alone, he cried because he felt people’s pain. And he laughed – no, not just laughed, he cackled with delight when he shared their joy.

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