
Fitness trainer prepares for his 7th Comrades


ZIAAD Hoosen once weighed 122kg, but he managed to slim down to 75kg and is preparing to compete in his 7th Comrades Marathon.

Hoosen, 38, of Westville, has also helped Mahesh Ratanjee on his weight -loss journey ahead of his first ultramarat­hon on August 28 from Pietermari­tzburg to Durban.

“I’m aiming to help change people’s lives by helping them to lose weight,” said Hoosen.

“It’s important for people to have a positive mindset about eating healthily. When looking at the obesity rate in South Africa, it’s high.

“A lot of obese people are shy to go out for walks and exercise because of their low self-esteem and being constantly judged about their weight. I love to change people’s mindsets about weight loss.”

Hoosen said at the age of 20, he weighed 122kg and had heart pains.

“I faced dejection and depression. I felt despondent about the way people viewed and treated overweight people in society.

“I know this first hand, as I was a victim of negative remarks and comments about my size and weight.

“It was either I lose weight or I die. That was when I started going to the gym that was 5km away from my home. I walked to the gym every day.”

Hoosen started with only cardio and later incorporat­ed strength training.

“Slowly seeing the results and feeling the change is what motivated me to continue, and in six months, I shed all my excess weight. I now weigh 75kg.

“Having accomplish­ed this, I wanted to help other people who are in a similar position by becoming a profession­al fitness lifestyle trainer and coach.”

He said he did a two-year diploma in sports sciences at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, and after that, he worked at Virgin Active for 12 years.

“I work with kids, adults and the elderly.”

Hoosen said since the age of 13, it had been his dream to enter the Comrades Marathon.

“Like most kids, I grew up watching the Comrades on television and thought to myself that one day I would participat­e.

“In 2007, that became a reality.

“I ran my first Comrades, and to date have accomplish­ed six Comrades and four Two Oceans Marathons.

“I will be entering the Comrades Marathon for the 7th time this year, and I’m currently training Mahesh to lose weight.

“He’s 45 and will participat­e for the first time in the Comrades this year. “Mahesh has already lost 17kg. “He still needs to lose about a kilogram.”

Hoosen’s advice to those wanting to lose weight: “You have to go out of your comfort zone. It’s also important to have a positive mindset because the mind is what controls your body.”

Ratanjee said when he met Hoosen he weighed 96kg.

“At first, I was nervous about participat­ing in the Comrades because it’s a big race, but through the journey of training with Ziaad, I’ve gained confidence.”

His words of encouragem­ent to those who hope to lose weight: “You must not focus on the diet programme because it doesn’t really help that much.

“Rather join a fitness programme or make a lifestyle change, because that will not only help you lose weight, but you will also be able to maintain that weight.”

 ?? ?? ZIAAD Hoosen and Mahesh Ratanjee train for the Comrades Marathon. | Supplied
ZIAAD Hoosen and Mahesh Ratanjee train for the Comrades Marathon. | Supplied

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