
What to pack when travelling with children

- DR VANSHIKA GUPTA ADUKIA Adukia is the founder of Therhappy. | IANS

IT MIGHT be difficult to decide what to bring on a trip with a baby and what to leave behind.

Most of the time, you probably need exactly what you may have left at home.

However, it is impossible to bring everything on your list with you.

The bag checklist is being scrutinise­d for all these reasons, including weight restrictio­ns, the sheer difficulti­es of lugging around so much luggage with a baby, and the feeling that you have packed your entire house for a two-day trip.

A must-carry:

Carrier/stroller: Wear your baby – an infant carrier comes as a blessing in disguise, making you hands-free and keeping your little one securely strapped on to you as well. For children who have outgrown the carrier, carrying a stroller may seem bulky but is convenient and less cumbersome

Noise free/quiet toys: Any mode of travel in most cases comes with fellow passengers around. For the sake of their privacy as well as the avid engagement of your child, it is a good idea to invest in some noise-free toys. There are several options.

White noise machine: Travel often messes up a baby’s sleep routine. Add to that, unfamiliar surroundin­gs. One can never be sure of the noise levels on an aeroplane or hotel room. A portable white noise machine can prove to be god-sent in such times (Use a white noise app on your phone if you do not have a machine).

Nursing cover: A hungry baby can never be soothed without a quick session at the breast. A nursing cover can make you feel comfortabl­e about feeding in public.

Silicone mat/snack cup: For infants who are on finger foods or toddlers too, during regular meal times, a silicone mat or silicone snack cup could make it easier to have them snack on the go.

Lightweigh­t baby cover-up: This item could work as a blanket for your baby when cold. It could act as a nursing cover, a swaddle, a shield against the sun or a spread on the floor in case of the need to perform a quick diaper change.

Baby thermomete­r: A baby coming down with a fever while travelling is a common situation. A baby thermomete­r can just make you feel less stressed as you can ascertain the baby’s body temperatur­e easily.

Small night lamp: Your baby may be used to night light. Pitch darkness may not be comfortabl­e for the child. A lightweigh­t night lamp that is battery free and runs on a simple USB could prove to be beneficial.

Clip-on teether/pacifier:

A teething baby is often difficult to manage. A teether that can be clipped on to the baby's clothing makes it easier for you to have it accessible for whenever they need to be distracted, seem fussy or are simply in need of some pacifying.

Anti-bacterial wet wipes:

Can be handy to wipe down the surroundin­gs of your baby during a long journey on public transport, in a park after your little one has just played on a mucky patch, while dining at a local restaurant if you feel the need to be cautious about the hygiene levels of the table or the cutlery or in times when there is no access to water and soap for hand washing.

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