
Post-mortem revealed mom did not commit suicide

Her boyfriend has been arrested for her murder


FIVE months ago, the family of a Durban woman was led to believe that she had taken her own life after she was found dead in her North Beach flat.

On October 26 last year, Julie Rajpaul, 48, a correction­al services officer at the Westville Prison, was found slumped over the toilet seat.

At the time, it was believed that Rajpaul had used a jacket, tied to the burglar guard on the window above the toilet, to “commit suicide”.

She was the mother to a daughter, 23, and sons, aged 21 and 15.

However, it has now emerged that Rajpaul was allegedly assaulted and strangled by her live-in boyfriend of seven years, Ashley Mahadeo.

He was arrested after a post-mortem report confirmed her death had been caused by manual strangulat­ion.

In November, Mahadeo, 49, a mechanic, was arrested and charged with murder. He appeared in the Durban Magistrate’s Court and was granted bail.

Rajpaul’s sister, who declined to be named, said this week that they were now in pursuit of justice because the trial was expected to get under way soon.

She said they had only learnt of Mahadeo’s arrest earlier this year.

“Our family could not come to terms with the claims that Julie had committed suicide. We kept trying to figure out the reason for her death. In January, a relative found out that there had been an arrest and who the person was.

“We were disappoint­ed that the family had not been informed of his arrest and that he had been given bail. But this move came as a huge relief because we knew our sister’s character and that she was not selfish enough to kill herself, leaving her children and family to endure such pain.

“We have since been following the case and we hope justice prevails. Our sister was robbed of her life. She had dreams and goals, one of which she had just achieved. Julie had studied nursing and was going to start a new job as a profession­al nurse at the prison on November 1. She never got the chance to fulfil her dream,” she said.

The sister said a day before Rajpaul was allegedly killed, she had made a decision to leave the relationsh­ip.

“She confided in me about her problems.

I think she came to a breaking point and decided that she had enough of the relationsh­ip. She had called me about 6pm the day before she died. She asked if I could fetch her from work the next day at midday and help to move her belongings from the flat. She had already found another flat in Morningsid­e.

“We spoke for about 20 minutes. I told her that I had to go out for a bit and would call her when I was back. However, when I tried to call later that night, she did not answer. I messaged her daughter to check if she had spoken to Julie and if she was okay. She said that ‘he’ was fighting with her mother and if I could pick her up.

“I tried calling my sister again, but there was no answer. Just as I was about to leave, her daughter texted me to say that Julie had messaged that everything was fine and not to come because she was going to sleep,” she said.

The woman said she received a call from a police officer at about 1.30am.

“He asked if I knew Julie. I replied that she was my sister. He said: ‘Sorry, your sister committed suicide’.

“I was shocked. When I arrived at the house, my sister was slumped over the toilet seat and her clothes were rolled up.

“Her hands were blue and the bone at the back of her neck was jutting

out. They said she used a jacket and hanged herself from the window above the toilet. But it didn’t make sense. My sister was quite tall and the window was very low.

“The next day when we went to collect her body from the mortuary, her face was severely injured. She did not even look like my sister. After seeing this, we requested that a post-mortem be done. Finally, after months of wanting to know how she died, the results confirmed she had been strangled,” she said.

The woman said her sister’s death had affected their family.

“Her children have become so withdrawn. Our 73-year-old mother holds a picture of Julie every day and talks to her. She doesn’t stop crying. It is heartbreak­ing. I also think what is hurting her more is seeing the person responsibl­e for her death walking around freely.

”But we will never see my sister again. She was a loving, caring and hard-working woman. We had a tough childhood, and her goal was to study hard and achieve all her dreams, which included becoming a nurse.

“She wanted to make something of her life and give her children everything she could. Now, all we want is justice for her and that the person responsibl­e for robbing her of her life be put behind bars,” she said.

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 ?? | Facebook ?? ASHLEY Mahadeo and Julie Rajpaul were in a relationsh­ip for seven years.
| Facebook ASHLEY Mahadeo and Julie Rajpaul were in a relationsh­ip for seven years.

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