
Chocolate Eclairs


125g butter or margarine 1½ cups water

1 tsp oil a pinch of salt

1½ cups cake flour (sifted) 6 medium sized eggs (I used 4½ XL eggs)

500ml fresh cream

1 big slab of Cadbury milk chocolate

1 slab Milkybar chocolate

Beat the eggs and refrigerat­e for a few hours before making the eclairs.

In a saucepan, bring the water, butter, salt and oil to a boil until the butter has melted. Take it off the heat and add the flour all at once.

Mix it quickly with a wooden spoon, then put it back on the heat and let it cook for about a minute while mixing slowly. Take it off the heat and cool slightly.

Dish the mixture into a mixer and start beating on medium speed, while adding the eggs a little at a time. It must not be too runny.

Once all the eggs are incorporat­ed and it is mixed thoroughly, pipe the mixture into a piping bag with a fluted nozzle on a well-oiled baking tray.

Pipe into logs, keeping space in between to spread.

Bake at 220ºC for 15 minutes. Then lower the heat to 180ºC and bake for a further 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack. Prick each with a toothpick to release the air. Cool completely before decorating.

Beat the cream stiffly with 2 tbs castor sugar (or to taste) and 2 tbs milk powder.

Melt the chocolate. Cut a small hole on the side of the eclair. Push a thin knife in and twirl it around, making sure all the cells are flattened but do not penetrate the outer shell. Pipe the cream.

Dip the eclairs in the melted chocolate and cover the hole. Drizzle with the leftover chocolate.

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