Public Eye (South Africa)

Mi7 spearheads Raisethorp­e clean-up

- Chanel George

In an amazing display of community spirit, Mi7 National Group spearheade­d a clean-up of the Raisethorp­e CBD last Saturday.

The security and emergency medical services company, in collaborat­ion with local businesses, community organisati­ons and NGO'S worked in partnershi­p to spruce up the area which was becoming an eyesore.

In restoring the area to an acceptable state of cleanlines­s, the group also looked into the future by funding 40 new branded waste bins which were strategica­lly placed throughout the CBD, ensuring that companies have the resources to keep the area clean.

Everyone worked together to achieve the common goal of restoring Raisethorp­e to its former state.

This is the second year that Mi7 has embarked on a clean-up of the area. Last year's campaign yielded similar results such as clean streets, restored pedestrian barricades and new trashcan placements.

"This event isn't just a clean-up. It is an embodiment of our long-term vision for Raisethorp­e and communitie­s like them," said Mi7 National Group Director, Colin David.

"Our philosophy isn't just about providing top-notch security and medical services; it's about holistic community developmen­t. We believe in creating environmen­ts where businesses can thrive and residents can live safely. These annual clean-up campaigns are a cornerston­e for building that future," David said.

"Mi7 extends its heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers and organisati­ons that lent their support, including those who generously contribute­d cleaning supplies and refreshmen­ts. Together, they've strengthen­ed the fabric of the Raisethorp­e community, creating a template for cooperativ­e civic engagement across South Africa," he added.

Other organisati­ons that contribute­d towards the clean-up included:

SAPS, New Birth Ministries, Body Fuel

Gym, Makza Foundation Group, Pedros, Building One SA, Blooms Nursery, Chelsea Bakery, Supercool, Focus Stores, Henry's Prayer Goods & Gifts, Lucky Electrical Plumbing & Hardware, Premier Services, Chandigarh Gas & Fishing Tackle, Bismillah Take Away, Veggies Green & Spice Emporium, Salford Wholesaler­s, Ding's Home Centre, Al Ameens Butchery, Cut Price Liquors, RG Wholesaler­s and Mimmie's Bakery.

 ?? ?? The group of volunteers made up from the various sponsors and companies, including MI7 National Group who all contribute­d to the success of the cleanup.
The group of volunteers made up from the various sponsors and companies, including MI7 National Group who all contribute­d to the success of the cleanup.

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