Public Eye (South Africa)

SASSA pensioners receive delicious treat and free health checks


In a remarkable display of community spirit, Africa Humanitari­an Projects, in collaborat­ion with the Khan Road Post Office, recently hosted a delightful feast for the SASSA old age pensioners.

Attendees were treated to an array of dishes, including chicken curry, savoury rice, fresh salads, buttered rolls, buns and a selection of fruits. The event wasn't just a culinary treat; staff from Daymed Private Hospital were on hand to conduct relevant health checks, ensuring the well-being of every pensioner in attendance.

Their participat­ion showcased a broader sense of care and attention towards the community's elderly.

Camie Smith, the event's main organiser, played a pivotal role in bringing this benevolent event to life. With the culinary expertise of Jennifer Ramnunan, pensioners were served dishes cooked to perfection. Pastor Pearl Pillay graciously took on the role of distributi­on, ensuring that every attendee was served.

Rajesh Ramnunan, of Africa Humanitari­an Projects, remarked, "Food is Unity...unity is Love... Love is GOD!" This sentiment encapsulat­ed the day's essence, underlinin­g the importance of communal care and unity.

Gratitude was extended to all sponsors whose generosity made the event both successful and memorable. Their contributi­ons truly emphasised the community's capacity to come together and create moments of joy for its members.

For those inspired by this act of kindness and looking to contribute, sponsor, or even partner for future events, Rajesh Ramnunan has invited individual­s to get in touch by calling him on 0671015959.

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