Public Eye (South Africa)

‘Queen and king crowned at Allandale Primary School’s Debs Ball

- Jordan Erradu

Armani Larkin, a Grade 2 pupil at Allandale Primary School, was crowned Queen at the school's well-organised and successful Debutantes' Ball which was held on Saturday at the Truro Hall.

The event was described as one of the finest moments in the school's 37-year history and raked in a staggering amount of R520 000. This was due to the collaborat­ive efforts of all the participan­ts and their respective families.

Armani raised the massive amount of

R50 000, a no mean achievemen­t for a child her age. Her excited mum, Nasreen Khan, thanked her sponsors and well-wishers who contribute­d so generously to support the youth, given these tough economic times.

"It is truly an honour to be able to give the school a boost in the right direction. We trust that the school will utilise the funds that have been raised to empower our youth, who are our future leaders," Khan said.

Zidane Naidoo, also in Grade 2, was bestowed the honour of Debs King, due to his efforts in raising the impressive sum of

R40 000. His mother, Nadia Naidoo, was ecstatic at his crowning.

"We are happy and proud that our son is part of an excellent educationa­l institutio­n. When we decided to enter Zidane in the 2023 Debutantes Ball, we wanted to do as much as we possibly could for the school and for our son to be part of a winning team," said Naidoo.

Naidoo expressed her appreciati­on to her colleagues at her workplace, together with their families, friends and local business houses.

The 1st Princess title went to Mileah Govender while Ruhie Chetty was crowned 2nd Princess. Ubaid Osman and Vineel Durgaparsa­d were the recipients of the 1st and 2nd Princes titles respective­ly.

The convenor of the Debs Ball, Vimal Ramkilowan, said that the event was part of the process to forge and shape children for life and lifelong learning. He emphasized that the queen and king were good ambassador­s for the school.

The acting principal, Sashen Dorasamy, said that the monies collected will form part of the school's fundraisin­g drive to complete its quest for smart classes. The school also has plans to build two additional classrooms and a conference centre. However, priority will be given to building a state-of-the-art indoor functional centre.

"The youth in the northern areas do not have an indoor sports facility. We envisage that the planned functional centre will cater for the needs of children from the wider communitie­s,"

Dorasamy said.

The chairperso­n of the school governing body (SGB),

Trevor Saul commended the school and organising committee for hosting such a prestigiou­s function.

"It is commendabl­e that the team sought to undertake this event on such a scale, with some being involved in an event of this nature for the first time. I am sure it will hold them in good stead going forward.

"While there was healthy competitio­n, the central outcome has been achieved. This outcome, to access resources for plans that will continue to ensure that Allandale Primary remains an institutio­n of learning of the highest order and that this level will be consistent­ly raised," Saul said.

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 ?? ?? Aadhi Suhil Durga, Grade 7 and his prom date Diyajel Govender, Grade 6 of Allandale Primary at Truro Hall for their Debutantes Ball.
Aadhi Suhil Durga, Grade 7 and his prom date Diyajel Govender, Grade 6 of Allandale Primary at Truro Hall for their Debutantes Ball.
 ?? ?? Standing (left to right), Nasreen Khan, Nishal Larkin, Zaid and Nadia Naidoo. Seated (left to right), Armani Larkin (Queen) and Zidane Naidoo (King)
Standing (left to right), Nasreen Khan, Nishal Larkin, Zaid and Nadia Naidoo. Seated (left to right), Armani Larkin (Queen) and Zidane Naidoo (King)
 ?? ?? Zeá Grace Chedie, a Grade 1 pupil at Allandale Primary at the Debutantes Ball.
Zeá Grace Chedie, a Grade 1 pupil at Allandale Primary at the Debutantes Ball.
 ?? ?? Mohammed Yaaseen Dunn and his prom date Kimrin Pillay of Grade 7 at the Allandale Primary Debutantes Ball.
Mohammed Yaaseen Dunn and his prom date Kimrin Pillay of Grade 7 at the Allandale Primary Debutantes Ball.
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