Public Eye (South Africa)

PMB grandfathe­r summits Mount Kilimanjar­o

- Chanel George

Astrong mindset and total belief in himself enabled a 64-year-old Pietermari­tzburg grandfathe­r to scale the lofty peaks of Mount Kilimanjar­o last month.

Morganatha­n Naidoo, formerly from the northern areas and now living in Lincoln Meade, achieved his prized goal which was on his bucket list for the past nine years.

Mount Kilimanjar­o is the fourth-most noticeable peak in terms of topography on earth. It is a popular place for hiking and climbing and is a part of the Kilimanjar­o National Park. It has also been the focus of numerous scientific investigat­ions due to melting glaciers and icefields, which are predicted to vanish between 2025 and 2035.

Naidoo, who has two grandchild­ren, began his training three years ago and is a member of the Midlands Hiking Club.

“I started my climb on September 23, summited on the 28th and finished on September 29,” Naidoo said.

He said he was the only South African in the group of 14 for the climb to the top of Kilimanjar­o which took seven days.

“It was a difficult climb with extreme weather conditions and not for the faint hearted,” said Naidoo.

Neverthele­ss, he said that the atmosphere was great as the climbers supported each other and the entire group reached the summit and returned safely to base.

“I was exhilarate­d. It almost seems impossible until it is done. I also did not experience any altitude problems or sustain any injuries during the climb,” Naidoo said.

He added that a variety of freshly prepared meals were provided by his tour operator and chickpeas were on the menu every day.

 ?? ?? Naidoo’s certificat­e of achievemen­t for climbing Mt. Kilimanjar­o.
Naidoo’s certificat­e of achievemen­t for climbing Mt. Kilimanjar­o.

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