Public Eye (South Africa)

School of Fashion ready for the biggest show in the city


Award-winning School of Fashion Pietermari­tzburg is proud to announce the date for its annual fashion show, showcasing the work of its many award-winning student designers and 2023 graduates.

On December 2, 30 graduating designers from the School of Fashion will showcase their collection­s, emphasisin­g their ‘proudly South African’ heritage, modelled by profession­al catwalk models, to an audience of 500 to 600 guests.

Promising a night of glitz and glamour, the signature event on the city’s and province’s fashion calendar is a culminatio­n of the hard work of all the student designers.

Liberty Midlands Mall’s undergroun­d car park below Edgars, will once again be transforme­d into a fashion runway.

For hosting last year’s fashion showcase, Liberty Midlands Mall was recently awarded the Silver Footprint marketing Award by the South African Council of Shopping Centres.

The School of Fashion Pietermari­tzburg is excited to return to this venue for another exceptiona­l display of talent, skill and hard work of the students, many of which are already celebrated as award-winning designers linked to many national fashion competitio­ns and accolades, such as the coveted Hollywood Bets Durban July Young Designers Competitio­n, South African Fashion week, Cape Town Fashion week, Durban Fashion Fair and Internatio­nal showcases. The School of Fashion is the oldest private fashion college in South Africa, with a strong reputation for their award-winning accolades and designers. This year marks 58 years of educating thousands of students in fashion design.

Since its inception in 1965, under director and school founder Priscilla Bhika, the school has played an integral role in educating students, playing a fundamenta­l role in the community and preserving South Africa’s heritage and culture through fashion. This showcase is a celebratio­n of the school’s legacy.

In attendance to witness the glorious fashion show will be key media and influencer­s, fashion VIPS and fashion enthusiast­s.

You too can experience the glitz and glamour of a high fashion night. Tickets cost R120 and attendees are encouraged to secure your seat early to avoid disappoint­ment. Tickets can be purchased from the School of Fashion PMB campus, situated at 192 Retief Street, or by contacting 033 3454671/ 0829274218.

 ?? ?? School of Fashion Pietermari­tzburg graduate Lindo Mathebula is a young dedicated designer who studied part-time and obtained a Diploma in Fashion Design at The School of Fashion. Lindo’s designs have graced rmagazine covers and the BBC at the Hollywood Bets Durban July. She began her own label Liindo M Creations, inspired by different African Cultures and creates garments which reflect a traditiona­l African style with the intention of taking people back to their roots.
School of Fashion Pietermari­tzburg graduate Lindo Mathebula is a young dedicated designer who studied part-time and obtained a Diploma in Fashion Design at The School of Fashion. Lindo’s designs have graced rmagazine covers and the BBC at the Hollywood Bets Durban July. She began her own label Liindo M Creations, inspired by different African Cultures and creates garments which reflect a traditiona­l African style with the intention of taking people back to their roots.
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