Public Eye (South Africa)

Taxi fares to increase next week


Commuters in the Northern areas who utilise mini-bus taxis as a mode of transport will pay more for this service from next week.

As announced by the public relations officer of the Northern Suburbs Taxi Associatio­n (NSTA), Kavith Mungru, commuters can expect to pay at least R2 more on the present fare.

He said the increase was decided on by the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco), of which the NSTA is an affiliate. The increase stems from the increase in fuel prices over the past few months.

“The taxi associatio­n has been badly affected by the fuel hikes and it was for this reason that the fare has to increase,” said Mungru.

“Spot checks will be undertaken to ensure that there is no undercharg­ing. We are pleading with the community to stick to the new increases once they come into effect next week,” said Mungru.

The increase, which will come into effect on November 13, will see some of the fares increase close to R20.

The fare increases from the northern suburbs into town are as follows:

From Dunveria, Bombay Road, Balhambra Way, Olympia Way, Newholmes Way and Khan Road the fare will now be R17.

From the Raisethorp­e CBD into Northdale the fare will now cost R14.

From the Bombay Road/lahore Road corner, into Bombay Road and return to the Bombay Road/lahore Road corner the cost will be R12.

Resident and community activist Rajesh Ramnunan said he feels the increase will not be fair on everyone.

"The elderly and Sassa grant recipients will be affected as they only received a R10 increase and now they have to pay an extra R2 to town and back home," said Ramnunan.

Meanwhile, student Aston Isaacs said the increase is understand­able.

"I use taxis to commute to town over the weekends and I think the increase is fair as there has been fuel price increases," said Isaacs.

Thombi Myeza whos resides in Eastwood said the fare is still affordable for her.

"The fare has only increased by R1 for the route I use and it is still more affordable for me," said Myeza.

Mungru added that there will also be private security companies patrolling for illegal vehicles that operate without licences.

“These illegal unmarked vehicles lurk around and pick up people to take them to a nearby destinatio­n for a small fee as a registered taxi would,” said Mungru.

He said, if caught, the vehicles will be immediatel­y impounded.

“Security guards will also be there to guard passengers during this busy holiday period,” said Mungru.

Santaco-kzn chairperso­n Boy Zondi confirmed that all taxi fares in Pietermari­tzburg will increase from next week.

However, he said he is not aware of illegal vehicles operating in the northern suburbs.

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