Public Eye (South Africa)

Pietermari­tzburg 185 elephants for


In commemorat­ion of the city’s 185th anniversar­y, the Keep Pietermari­tzburg Clean Associatio­n (KPCA) has commission­ed 185 handcrafte­d elephants as part of its “It’s time for PMB - Celebratin­g the city’s 185th Anniversar­y” campaign.

The African elephant is not only the city’s symbol, but KPCA’S logo as well. Pietermari­tzburg is known as umgungundl­ovu in isizulu, which means ‘the place of the elephant’.

These elephants have been hand crafted by a team led by Dr Liz Thomson.

Thomson, who is a ‘craftivist’, is thrilled by the response from the community, as elephants of all shapes, sizes, colours and materials are arriving ahead of the anniversar­y celebratio­n.

“It was an absolute joy to receive a letter and donation of a very special herd of baby elephants from

Sika Shani Garden Service, who also love our beloved city. The gorgeous mini herd was made by employee Julie Ferreira, who made an elephant to represent each one of their staff,” said Thomson.

KPCA’S Rose Day has also made shweshwe and floral elephants with gorgeous heart shaped ears. Ferreira and Day represent just two of the craftivist­s sewing and knitting the city together with love.

“These past couple of months have been absolutely amazing, I have got such joy from being a part of the Ellies group that are making the elephants,” said Ferreira.

There were just a few Ellies short of the 185 target, so she just continued making more to reach 185.

“I have had such a fantastic response from friends and family that in between I have been making special personalis­ed Ellies as gifts as well. My current batch of 20 should be ready for donation by Friday,” said Ferreira.

Chairperso­n of KPCA, Lara Edmonds said stunning elephants have arrived from Woodgrove and

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 ?? Lara Emdonds of KPCA presents Save Hyper Manager, Indren Pillay and staff member, Ncumisa Nongwadi, with a PMB 185th Anniversar­y Wreath. This is part of KPCA’S ‘ITS TIME for PMB” campaign and an acknowledg­ement of the wonderful work SAVE Hyper does for th ??
Lara Emdonds of KPCA presents Save Hyper Manager, Indren Pillay and staff member, Ncumisa Nongwadi, with a PMB 185th Anniversar­y Wreath. This is part of KPCA’S ‘ITS TIME for PMB” campaign and an acknowledg­ement of the wonderful work SAVE Hyper does for th

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