Public Eye (South Africa)

New Race & Operations Manager at Comrades Marathon Associatio­n


The Comrades Marathon Associatio­n (CMA) has a new Race & Operations Manager, Ann Ashworth. Ashworth is not new to road-running or the Comrades Marathon, having won The Ultimate Human Race in 2018.

Ashworth said she is ready to take up her new position, managing one of the world’s most iconic sporting brands and one which is incredibly close to her heart. She added that she is looking forward to working with the various Comrades Marathon stakeholde­rs.

Ashworth who grew up in Howick but has been living in Johannesbu­rg, said, “Moving back to the KZN Midlands will be a change from Johannesbu­rg but I am really looking forward to coming home. I have had the pleasure of dealing with the Comrades team in the past and anticipate that together we will achieve great things as we launch the 2024 edition of the race next week.”

Ashworth holds a Master of Laws degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, is an admitted advocate, a running coach and now a retired elite ultra-distance athlete.

Ashworth said, “I am so looking forward to the journey ahead. Comrades has always been very close to my heart as an athlete and as a coach, but to have the opportunit­y to contribute towards the future growth and developmen­t of the race is truly extraordin­ary. It is an honour to be able to give back to the sport in this way.”

CMA Chairperso­n, Mqondisi Ngcobo said, “We would like to welcome Ann Ashworth as the new Race & Operations Manager at the Comrades Marathon Associatio­n. Ann brings with her a wealth of experience and skills; and we look forward to leveraging her unique expertise towards achieving the Comrades Marathon’s strategic goals. Our vision as the CMA, coupled with her presentati­on on her vision for the future of The Ultimate Human Race, will no doubt take this iconic event to greater heights.”

November marks the time of year in which the Community Chest salutes all remarkable men (and women) who since the inception of the Community Chest have played a role in the life of the Community Chest. November is also the month dedicated to Prostrate Cancer Awareness.

Come 10 November 2023, the Community Chest is hosting its annual Remarkable Man Golf Day at the Victoria Country Golf Club. Driving the event is major sponsor Makhaotse Narasimulu and Associates with added support from Dobeyn Accounting Solutions, Hayfields Kwikspar and the indomitabl­e Moosa Allee. Moosa Allee Insurance Brokers adds a cherry-on-top to this prestigiou­s event by offering a brand new Suzuki Celerio, valued at R170

000 to the first player to bag a Hole-in-one on the 6th Green.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men across all provinces of South Africa and between 2007 - 2017, diagnosed cases almost doubled. The Community Chest supports the promotion of awareness of all forms of cancer as well as support and the care of cancer patients and their families. Funds raised from this Remarkable Man Gold Day event will help Community Chest to support our partner not-for-profit organizati­ons who promote cancer awareness and assist cancer patients whilst on treatment.

Now is the time to sign up to be a part of this remarkable event or pledge your support through sponsorshi­p. Contact Angie on chestpro@communityc­ or on 0727910311.

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