Public Eye (South Africa)

Woodlands octogenari­an gives Pappas her blessings

- Shorné Bennie

It was a dream come true for 83-yearold Woodland’s resident, Lena Taylor, who met Kwazulu-natal Democratic Alliance (DA) premier candidate and current umngeni mayor, Chris Pappas, on Saturday during his campaign programme in Pietermari­tzburg.

Pappas heard about the octogenari­an’s wish to meet with him and also the fact that she had broken her hip and rarely left her home anymore. She now walks with the help of a walking aid and only visits the local clinic for her check-ups.

Taylor laughed and joked with Pappas about how young he looked, telling the mayor that she had always wanted to meet him,

Her son, Shane Taylor, said that his mother was ecstatic to meet Pappas.

“She has been wanting to meet him for a long time and now her dream has been fulfilled. She is a prayer warrior and she prayed for him and anointed him for his campaign to become the premier of KZN,” said Shane.

During the meeting with residents, Pappas called for support for the DA and also welcomed former supporters back to the party, handing out T-shirts.

“Your choice is yours; we are here to tell you that we can build something if we come together like we did in umngeni. Don’t lose hope in the DA we are not a small organisati­on.

“The project we are building is a difficult project, Project South Africa. Where we govern, we govern well and people see a difference. So, help us make a change in KZN in 2024.

“We are calling this a rescue mission as we are rescuing what is left. In 2019 things were bad, in 2023 things are really bad, where do you think we will be in five years’ time if we give the ANC power?

“We won’t be better if we give the ANC power,” said Pappas.

Resident, Tamica Marais, who is a supporter of the DA said that she agrees with their values of diversity and opportunit­y.

“We agree with the party’s values of giving everyone an equal opportunit­y and working on our historical background.

“We know that the DA will take care of their community,” said Marais.

Another resident who wished not to be named said that she returned to the DA as all the other political parties failed the residents of Woodlands.

Pappas also visited Imbali, Ezinkethen­i and Elandskop.

Religious leaders from different faiths gathered at the Sunlit Gardens in Northdale to bless the constructi­on site of the new Aryan Benevolent Home (ABH), which is due to be completed in the next 12 months.

Moulana Yakoob Patel, Gurrukal Shunmugam and Father Evans of the Catholic Church Dominician Order each shared a prayer and wished the ABH success and prosperity for the building of the facility. The board of management of the ABH was also in attendance.

The ABH is currently in the process of relocating from their property in Pietermari­tz Street to the new site they share with Sunlit Gardens Home in Northdale. The board of management took the decision to relocate the home due to safety and security concerns related to elevated crime levels in the city centre.

“Our building plans have passed the town planning stage and we await approval. Currently, work has commenced with setting out the buildings on site, clearing of the site and the excavation of trenches for the foundation­s,” said ABH president Mayash Chetty. He said the ABH was going through tough financial times and relied on community goodwill for support.

“The ABH is not immune to the current hardships being faced by the citizens and businesses of our country. The impact of Covid-19 has been devastatin­g for all and it has made the sustainabi­lity of organisati­ons like the ABH even more difficult.

“The onset of the pandemic has meant the ABH has not received the same level of donations that it has received prior to this.

“The net impact has been an ever-widening gap in the shortfalls that need to be funded from a dwindling reserve,” said Chetty.

Cash donations to support the ABH can be made to the Aryan Benevolent Society, First National Bank, account number: 6300585893­1, branch code: 221425, swift code: FIRNZAJJ.

The ABH is a registered non profit and public benefit organisati­on.

 ?? ?? Priest Kirun Satgoor, Gurrukal Shunmugam and Father Evans offering prayers and blessings at the trenches of the foundation for the new ABH facility. Photo: Shorné Bennie
Priest Kirun Satgoor, Gurrukal Shunmugam and Father Evans offering prayers and blessings at the trenches of the foundation for the new ABH facility. Photo: Shorné Bennie
 ?? ?? Elderly Woodlands resident Lena Taylor anoints Pappas for his campaign to become the premier of KZN. Photo: Supplied
Elderly Woodlands resident Lena Taylor anoints Pappas for his campaign to become the premier of KZN. Photo: Supplied

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