Public Eye (South Africa)

Willowton Group remains a top donor for Community Chest


The Willowton Group takes its corporate social investment to heart by ensuring that every donation made is towards a cause worthy of its support and that it adds to the impact made in developing our communitie­s as well as restoring hope to those in despair.

The Pietermari­tzburg & District Community Chest are most appreciati­ve of the donation of R100 000, made by the Willowton Group to the Chest in the 2022/23 financial year. These funds assisted the Community Chest meet its pledges to a number of its Community Impact Partners who work as the “hands and feet” of the Chest on the ground providing material and psychosoci­al assistance to people in our Umgungundl­ovu District.

The Willowton Group is also appreciate­d for its longstandi­ng support to the work of the Community Chest which spans over 30 years. This is a relationsh­ip that is based on the Willowton Group’s trust in the Community Chest to manage their donation in a trustworth­y and accountabl­e manner.

The Community Chest partners with other reputable not-for-profit organisati­ons in the sectors of education, health, income-generation and welfare, all of which work towards enhancing our communitie­s that lead to a better life for all.

From the Community Chest, its partner organisati­ons and all beneficiar­ies and the community at large, a heartfelt “Thank You” goes out to the Willowton Group for its philanthro­pic spirit and ploughing back into the lives of people of the Umgungundl­ovu District.

In response, the Willowton Group challenges all corporates and individual­s to also pledge their support of the work of the Community Chest through donations in funds and/or in kind. The postcovid-19 world has resulted in an ever bigger challenge to redress the inequaliti­es within our communitie­s to a point where every individual has equal access to opportunit­ies and a sustainabl­e future.

There can be no greater joy to parents when the value of “service to others” is internalis­ed by their children.

Such is the example of Jasveer Morar, the only child of the late Roshan and Jyoti Morar who generously decided to light up the lives of 47 families this Diwali with a donated food hamper.

In keeping with the legacy of his parents, Morar has become an ardent patron of the Community Chest in a variety of ways. Community Chest is proud of the example being set by this young man.

November 12 marked a special day for people of the Hindu faith around the world as they celebrated Diwali. In celebratio­n of this special day, Morar’s donation of food hampers brought a ray of hope and joy to deserving families across our community.

The Community Chest is also grateful to the Midlands Hindu Society for their partnershi­p with the Community Chest to help identify families and distribute the hampers.

“Thank You” Jasveer Morar and Midlands Hindu Society for being a shining light of hope amidst the darkness.

If you wish to partner with Community Chest, please contact Angie Narayanan on 0727910311 for ways in which you too can be a light of hope to those in despair.

 ?? ?? From left Anup and Nalini Ramrethan, Adv. Ranjiv Nirghin (representi­ng Midlands Hindu Society), Jasveer Morar together with Richard Rangiah and Angie Narayanan (Community Chest) at the handover of 47 food parcels.
From left Anup and Nalini Ramrethan, Adv. Ranjiv Nirghin (representi­ng Midlands Hindu Society), Jasveer Morar together with Richard Rangiah and Angie Narayanan (Community Chest) at the handover of 47 food parcels.
 ?? ?? Angie Narayanan and Richard Rangiah of Community Chest present a “Top 10 Corporate Donor Award” to Mohamed Ishfaaq Moosa (Operations Executive) for the group’s generous donation to Community Chest in the 2022/23 financial year.
Angie Narayanan and Richard Rangiah of Community Chest present a “Top 10 Corporate Donor Award” to Mohamed Ishfaaq Moosa (Operations Executive) for the group’s generous donation to Community Chest in the 2022/23 financial year.
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