Public Eye (South Africa)

DA leader laid to rest

- Londiwe Xulu

The DA will leave no stone unturned to ensure the life of its late PR councillor and umngeni Municipali­ty chief whip, Nhlalayenz­a Ndlovu, will not have been in vain.

Reassuring the family and friends of Ndlovu at his funeral, at Thendele in Mooi River on Saturday, DA KZN leader Francois Rodgers said the party was engaging their own investigat­ors and prosecutor­s to ensure that justice is served.

The party is now offering R1 million for any informatio­n that leads to the conviction of those responsibl­e.

Ndlovu was shot multiple times by unknown people while he was at his home in Emasosheni, along the R617 near the Mpophomeni township in Howick, last Tuesday evening. When gunmen entered Ndlovu’s home, he was with his wife and two children, aged five years and six months old, as well as the children’s nanny.

According to the DA, Ndlovu had told umngeni Municipali­ty mayor Chris Pappas that one of the local community leaders in the area was spreading rumours and misinforma­tion about him. The party said they are in possession of informatio­n pointing to the fact that Ndlovu’s murder was allegedly organised by someone involved in local politics.

Describing Ndlovu as “a special man”, Rodgers said he knew him as “a people’s person and [someone who] loved his community and children”.

Speaking at the funeral, Rodgers said while the Bible teaches that revenge is wrong, it also talks about justice and that is what they intend to achieve for Ndlovu.

“These political killings don’t happen by mistake, but are orchestrat­ed and it’s a problem that we face in the province,” Rodgers said, adding that despite this latest hit, the DA was not afraid.

“The area of Emasosheni is supposed to be supplied directly by Eskom, yet we found infrastruc­ture connected to umngeni. The municipali­ty was paying for people with multi-million rand houses to be connected [illegally].

“As part of the ongoing work we do [in the municipali­ty], we removed transforme­rs and electrical cables and it wasn’t the first time we did this. Where do people buy an entire transforme­r from? I don’t know.

“I will be supplying the police with informatio­n to assist their investigat­ion. A lot of roads lead to one person,” Pappas said at the time.

Rodgers also said the informatio­n he received was that there are a lot of homes built on Ingonyama Trust land, where residents have put in their own electricit­y infrastruc­ture and are now connecting illegally to umngeni’s electricit­y grid.

Anyone who has informatio­n is urged to contact the umngeni Municipali­ty private investigat­or at 082 545 5499.

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