Public Eye (South Africa)

Bringing joy to all


South Africans enjoy our annual festive season during December. This festive season has traditiona­lly been associated with Christmas and the auspicious birth of Jesus and the ushering in of a New Year. Traditiona­lly in South Africa the period experience­d a national shut down which gave families an opportunit­y to gather and share their experience­s with picnis at parks, dams, rivers and the beach, with braais and that famous pot of biryani. It gave families an opportunit­y to reunite during the festive period. The theme of Christmas, the spirit of bringing joy to all resonates with all South Africans, irrespecti­ve of our religious background­s and the festive period is one that we all look forward to. We now see families and various religious organisati­ons making arrangemen­ts to bring joy to the less fortunate during this festive period so that all South Africans can experience a bit of joy during the festive period. That sense of giving is one that resonates with all. It is also a time when most Hindu families visit temples or host special prayers at home to give gratitude for the past year and pray for a better future. Like all religions teach us enlightenm­ent via various forms and symbols, so to does Christmas and the festive season, remind us to be good and do good. My family and I together with the organisati­ons that we represent extend our heart felt gratitude to all the volunteers who take some time out of their lives to bring joy and happiness to other people. We wish all of you a joyous festive season and a prosperous New Year!

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