Public Eye (South Africa)

Residents use social media to clear the clutter and help others

- Shorné Bennie

There is a growing trend of people using social media to not only clear the clutter but to also find worthy homes for unwanted household goods.

Howick resident Luce Clarke has been encouragin­g people to clear out their cupboards, storerooms and garages of unused goods and make a difference to others at the same time. She recently encouraged fellow Howick residents on the Howick Buzz SA social media group to join her in the campaign.

Her post read “With the season of giving, what is the one thing you need but cannot afford it right now. Maybe you have it and don’t need it.”

Having seen a similar post on another group, Clarke was inspired to champion the project closer to home.

“I love helping people. It is in my personalit­y that I love to help others. I even have a business called “Always Happy To Help”. This is where I do house or pet sitting. I saw a post on another group, requesting people to give away items they do not need, to those in need, and I thought to myself, this was a great concept to help spread," said Clarke.

She is also now encouragin­g people to take part in a bartering group that helps exchange unwanted items for needful things.

“I also started a bartering group in which people bring in things which they do not need and exchange it for something else. That group is still growing but it is really interestin­g to see the types of things people need. “We often take things for granted when in fact there are people who are actually in need of the items we no longer need. By networking on social media we can help people clear their lives of clutter and help people acquire the things they really need," added Clarke.

Miriam Nyamande said the networking exercise helped her find a camera for her son. “My son is a college student and he has been trying to find ways to earn extra money.

“He wants to do photograph­y. I managed to get a camera from the group. I am very thankful for it and very thankful for the group. Now he can make some pocket money with photograph­y,” said Nyamande.

Judging by the activity on the group it appears the concept has taken off with all sorts of goods being given away or exchanged. Narika Singh said she was excited to get a baby pram that she needed for her child. Once Singh received the pram, she was inspired to give away what she no longer needed.

“I needed a pram and then I got a response from a kind lady who said I could have it for free.

“The pram was in such a good condition and as a result it inspired me to pay her kind act forward, so I gave away a rocking chair and a camp cot that I was no longer using. I’m really thankful for the pram that I got. The idea was very beneficial to people as everyone networked and people got things that they needed,” said Singh.

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