Public Eye (South Africa)

Palliative care


The Msunduzi Hospice Associatio­n would like to take this opportunit­y to say thank you to all the wonderful people in the wider community of Pietermari­tzburg who have generously shown their support this year.

It is no secret that 2023 has been challengin­g in many different ways for Msunduzi Hospice. We have reduced our staff complement, in particular members of the care team due to severe financial constraint­s. As a direct result of this we have had to implement a waiting list for the first time in our history and this has not been well received by members of the community.

However, we are ending 2023 on a high note and looking forward to all the challenges that 2024 may bring. We remain deeply grateful to the Department of Health of KZN for their support and to many other organisati­ons, businesses and individual­s who have and continue to support us financiall­y, through in-kind donations and volunteeri­ng support.

Palliative care is provided free of charge to all our patients (except for those on medical aid where the medical aid is invoiced). Our objective is to ensure that our patients and their loved ones have quality of life while living with a life threatenin­g illness.

Our wonderful care team provides access to medication with the intention of managing pain and controllin­g symptoms of the illness; they provide emotional and social support and where necessary spiritual care. Clinical equipment is also available to our patients and provided free of charge when available. A short info-graphic is provided to indicate a summary of the care services we have provided in 2023.

These care services are supported by a team of staff and volunteers who have gone out of their way to assist with the raising of funds and all the many other aspects of a successful organisati­on.

As we end this year we would like to wish all our supporters and the wonderful community of Pietermari­tzburg a relaxing and safe festive season and a successful 2024.

Light and blessings

The board, staff and volunteers Msunduzi Hospice.

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