Public Eye (South Africa)

Pets still missing after New Year firework celebratio­ns

- Prashalan Govender

More than a week after New Year’s Day, many pet owners are still searching for their missing animals. Sansha Singh, manager of SPCA Pietermari­tzburg and other SPCA staff have confirmed the view of many residents that the past New Year's Eve celebratio­ns was the worst with regard to the use of fireworks, compared to previous years.

Wandile Xaba, trainee inspector for

SPCA PMB, said the SPCA picked up approximat­ely 12 animals between December 31 and January 1.

“I suspect they were injured by barbed wire when they tried to escape from their homes on New Year’s Eve,” Xaba said.

Xaba added that he has worked during many New Year periods, and this was the worst one he has experience­d in terms of missing pets.

“One animal was severely injured. All the animals I picked up were absolutely terrified," he said.

While the SPCA is looking after the displaced pets, they continue to receive multiple calls on a daily basis from pet owners searching for their missing pets. Six people have since visited the SPCA to find out if their pets had been rescued.

A lot of the missing pets came from areas around Hayfields, Northdale and Lincoln Meade.

Singh added that even the animals who are at the SPCA were disturbed by the fireworks. She said that there are laws regulating the use of fireworks. However, the laws need to be strongly enforced by SAPS and the municipali­ty for people to properly comply.

“I don’t think people are aware of just how heightened animals’ sense of hearing is and how strongly they react to the loud sounds caused by fireworks,” she said.

PMB Animal Rescue and Rehome (Parr) has also experience­d an influx of lost pets coming into its care. Parr's Eureka Erasmus said while the influx in lost and found pets is expected at this time of year, with fireworks and the frequent thundersto­rms, the continued and increasing use of fireworks adds to the problem.

"Unfortunat­ely, I don't think the use of fireworks is getting any better even though many residents are trying so hard to create awareness around the severe impact it has on animals," Erasmus said.

The SPCA encouraged pet owners to micro-chip their pets so that, if they are brought to the SPCA, contact with the owners can be made as soon as possible. The staff added that anyone who has a missing pet should contact the SPCA.

 ?? ?? A board showing the missing pet posters that residents have put up at the SPCA, following the New Year’s Eve firework celebratio­ns that displaced many petrified pets throughout the city.
A board showing the missing pet posters that residents have put up at the SPCA, following the New Year’s Eve firework celebratio­ns that displaced many petrified pets throughout the city.

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