Public Eye (South Africa)

Teen recovering after being stabbed for cell phone


The 13-year-old girl who was stabbed multiple times and robbed on Monday afternoon has been discharged from hospital.

She was stabbed at least a dozen times while she and her younger brother were walking along the bridge near the Chota Motala and Willowton intersecti­on.

The girl's father, Bheki Shezi, said he was relieved his daughter was recovering at home.

“I am happy that she is home now. She and my son were traumatise­d by what happened to them,” said Shezi.

The Witness reported that the children were on their way back from an appointmen­t at Northdale Hospital and were walking to the taxi rank to catch a taxi back home to Mpophomeni when a man grabbed the girl and stabbed her for her cell phone.

Shezi said he was at work when he received a call informing him of what had happened to his children.

“As they were walking close to the bridge, they were approached by a man and they ran. The man told them not to run as he would not harm them. As they continued to walk, he grabbed hold of my daughter as he saw she had a phone in her hand.

“My daughter fell and the man began to stab her. My children have been traumatise­d by this. I was at work when I got the call. A man who saw my daughter on the [ground] called Mi7 and they called me. I was so shocked I left everything and ran,” said Shezi.

Mi7 National Group Director Colin

David advised pupils and parents to exercise increased vigilance, especially when walking around town and hot spot crime areas.

The area around Chota Motala and Chatterton Road bridges, being near the railway line, has historical­ly been a spot where robberies and muggings occur.

“The railway line unfortunat­ely provides a convenient escape route for criminals. While we haven't seen an increased trend in such incidents, it's crucial for pedestrian­s in these areas to be cautious.

“This includes avoiding carrying items of value, especially cell phones, which can be a target for opportunis­tic crimes.

Additional­ly, we recommend that school children walk in groups whenever possible, as there is safety in numbers.

These groups should stick to main roads and avoid shortcuts through isolated areas. It is important to know their parent's or guardian's contact numbers in case of emergency," David said.

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