Public Eye (South Africa)

Northbury Park Secondary School celebrates 40 years


Northbury Park Secondary School will be celebratin­g its Fortieth Anniversar­y this year. As part of the celebratio­ns the school will be engaging in a number of activities that will reflect the transforma­tion of the school over the four decades.

The keys to the school were handed to the acting principal, E. L. Abraham on 13 July 1984. The first group of pupils arrived at the school on 27 July 1984 from the neighbouri­ng Kharina Secondary, Raisethorp­e Secondary, Silver Heights Secondary, Springhave­n Primary and Deccan Road Primary schools. The original enrolment on the first day was 415 pupils with 11 teachers and the acting principal. The school was initially named Northdale Secondary School Number 4.

Thousands of pupils that have passed through our doors have made significan­t contributi­ons to our local community. Many more have also had an influentia­l impact on the global stage. We aim to honour all those who have experience­d the intellectu­al, cultural and holistic developmen­t associated with Northbury Park Secondary School. All those individual­s who can proudly attest to this iconic institutio­n being their Alma Mater, as well as all other interested parties, are welcome to join us as we engage in activities and functions that will bring back fond memories.

The following events have been earmarked for this year:

· Social Braai/potjie and Picnic: Saturday

January 27

· Movie Night: Saturday February 17 · Flea market : April/may

· Cultural Evening : May/june

· Comedy Evening : June/july

· Gala Dinner : July

More events have also been planned and are still being organised. The date, time and venue for each event will be confirmed. All past pupils as well as concerned and enthusiast­ic stakeholde­rs are welcome to join us in the above events. We are also looking forward to associatin­g with individual­s who want to be part of the organisati­on and planning of the events. We hope to see all Northburia­ns at these events.

For further details contact: Kamal Sewnandan (deputy principal and event coordinato­r): 072 092 5944: kamalsewna­ northburyp­ark@yahoo. com.

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 ?? ?? W.R. Joubert (acting deputy principal, M.n.zungu (acting principal) and K.J. Sewnandan (deputy principal and events coordinato­r) celebrate the milestone anniversar­y of Northbury Park Secondary School.
W.R. Joubert (acting deputy principal, M.n.zungu (acting principal) and K.J. Sewnandan (deputy principal and events coordinato­r) celebrate the milestone anniversar­y of Northbury Park Secondary School.

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