Public Eye (South Africa)

Senior citizen society celebrates 10 year anniversar­y


Midlands Hindu Society in associatio­n with the Consulate *eneral of India Durban invite you to a Dance production by Taalchhand­am from Bengal, India at the Pafta Hall on Saturday, -anuary at 6pm for 6. pm. All dance schools and dance students are invited to a dance workshop on Sunday, -anuary , at am at the Mt. Partridge Arya Samaj Hall. Please contact Lageshree Phillips on or Whatsapp .

The 5aisethorp­e Arya Samaj Senior Citizens Society celebrated their year anniversar­y yesterday.

The society, founded in has its roots in the 5aisethorp­e Arya Samaj Society and the club often works within the community.

According to chairperso­n, Selvie 5eddy, the members meet every Wednesday.

“Initially there were about 6 members but 6 have passed away. Now there are about active members. We also have other members, but due to various reasons, they haven’t been attending,” , she said.

She added that the group also provides a number of social services to the community.

“Once a month, we make sandwiches and distribute them to the hospitals. We also feed the poor in Northdale. We have been doing this for a while now. We go on social outings with the senior citizens and we are a non-profit organisati­on. We also fundraise for example, if a school needs uniforms, we collect and distribute them,” she added.

“We also host our own social functions. We celebrate Mother’s

Day, Father’s Day and religious holidays. We also join the 5aisethorp­e Arya Samaj for their celebratio­ns and belong to other organisati­ons as well,” 5eddy said.

5eddy added that the organisati­on was formed to help senior citizens.

“It is for the general well-being of our senior citizens to keep them occupied and they look forward to it because we have so many activities. They do exercises such as yoga and walking so that they can keep fit,” she said.

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