Public Eye (South Africa)

Mother-tongue language is an essential component of identity, says MF leader


Recognised o൶cially as one of South Africa’s additional languages, the promotion of Hindi received a boost this weekend with the launch of the Shriyukt Hindi 3aatshala on Saturday in Raisethorp­e.

The new Hindi school was launched at the annual Shriyukt School of Dance’s annual dance and recognitio­n evening. *uest of honour, Shameen Thakur-rambansi, the leader of the Minority )ront and a community activist, says the promotion of mother-tongue language is an essential component of identity.

“/anguage speaks to our identity as a people. In many countries that were colonised, the first priority of the colonising force was the attempted destructio­n of indigenous languages in a bid to erase the identity of who the colonised once were, as a people and as a civilisati­on. Apart from South Africa’s 2 o൶cial languages, South Africa has additional languages of which Hindi is one,” said Thakur-rambansi.

She said the launch of the Shriyukt Hindi 3aatshala was a significan­t step in bolstering current efforts of promoting and preserving cultural identity.

RAM Dhanlall, the president of the South African Hindi Shiksha Sangh, commended the school’s founder Aradhana /utchman on the decision to establish the new facility.

“/anguage plays a vital role in society. It allows us to communicat­e, connect and express. At times it was used to divide but now, with efforts to expand a greater understand­ing of indigenous languages, it is used to unite ... South Africans of Indian descent toiled and helped build this beautiful country. 2ur language and culture is an important aspect of this history and is very much alive,” said Dhanlall.

Aradhana /utchman, founder and head of Shriyukt Hindi 3aatshala, said she was inspired by the commitment of children at her dance school to embark on the promect to expand cultural awareness.

“The decision to extend from dance to language is derived from the commitment and sacrifices made by the children and their parents.

“It is heartwarmi­ng to see that children and adults are embracing their culture and identity and they want to learn Hindi, whether conversati­onal or as a structured formal course.

“We will provide choices that ultimately promote and preserve our culture and heritage,” said /utchman.

The Shriyukt Hindi 3aatshala will be based at Raisethorp­e Secondary School.

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 ?? ?? Aradhana Lutchman (left) thanking guest of honour Shameen Thakur-rajbansi at the launch of the Shriyukt Hindi Paatshala on Saturday evening at the Arya Samaj Hall in Raisethorp­e.
Aradhana Lutchman (left) thanking guest of honour Shameen Thakur-rajbansi at the launch of the Shriyukt Hindi Paatshala on Saturday evening at the Arya Samaj Hall in Raisethorp­e.
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