Public Eye (South Africa)



Acelebrati­on of our history, our culture, our people. The History of the 100 years of the Pmb Child Welfare.

Having served the society for 40 years, it would be unbefittin­g of me not to mention the early pioneers and stalwarts of the now three unified societies whose contributi­ons, together with many others, have helped shape the society into what it is today.

These include Peter Brown, Joyce Terry, Joy Roberts, A.S Chetty, Logambal Chetty, Vasu Chetty, Dasruth Bundhoo and his wife Durgha, Bunty Biggs, Cathy Orchard and Joan Rosenberg.

Finally, last but not least, Clive Willows – my mentor – who steered the organisati­on during the amalgamati­on process.

Dr. Padayachee has been with the Society since 1998 and has previously also served as both president and treasurer. This is his message:

No society can claim to be truly civilized if it allows deprivatio­n and suffering to continue while it has within its scope the means to eliminate these conditions.

From this perspectiv­e, it is a tribute to those brave souls who saw the need to not only to do good but to found the then Pietermari­tzburg Indian Child and Family Welfare Society. I refer to the founding members, Dr Vasu Chetty, Sashi Moodley, A S Chetty, Alice

Jogessar, John Naidoo, Paul Bhika and others of their calibre who played an integral role in serving the community of Pietermari­tzburg.

This celebratio­n not only pays tribute to the welfare ethos and the culture of caring and compassion in Pietermari­tzburg, but also celebrates the role played by those early founding members. They laid the foundation of a caring and vibrant welfare movement in Pietermari­tzburg which continues to reach out to make life just a little bit better for everyone. After all, it is the way our civilizati­on will be judged.

Moodley has been with Child Welfare since November 1990. This is her message:

I am very grateful for this opportunit­y to be a part of Pietermari­tzburg Child Welfare’s 100 years commemorat­ion. This comes at a time when a lot has changed in our country.

Whist we celebrate our democracy, our people are facing challenges of unemployme­nt, load shedding and the everrising costs of living. We are also all still feeling the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite these challenges, the Pietermari­tzburg Child Welfare has persevered in its mandate to protect the vulnerable children in our community.

I am extremely proud to be a member of the Child Welfare “family” for the past 33 years and working alongside passionate and dedicated colleagues who champion for the rights of children often amidst a background of limited resources and funding challenges.

I am sure that the thousands of children that have been impacted by our inventions have grown up to lead fruitful and happy lives.

Despite the funding challenges and below market-related salaries, the organisati­on’s supportive environmen­t, team spirit and strong work ethic results in social workers remaining longer in the service of the organisati­on.

Congratula­tions Pietermari­tzburg Child Welfare on achieving this remarkable milestone and I end with this pertinent quote by Nelson Mandela:

“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them, tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.”

Here’s looking forward to another 100 years of protecting our children.”

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