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The South African economy grew by two percent in the third quarter of 2017 (seasonally adjusted and annualised), down from a revised 2.8 percent in the second quarter.

Agricultur­e, mining and manufactur­ing were the main drivers of the expansion while there was a contractio­n in general government services resulting from low employment numbers in the public sector. After recording an increase of 38.7 percent in the second quarter, the agricultur­e industry continued to power ahead expanding by 44.2 percent in the third quarter.

This is the largest quarterly jump in agricultur­e production since the second quarter of 1996.

Increased production of field crops and horticultu­ral products were the main contributo­rs to growth, with notable increases in the production of maize and vegetable products. Mining and manufactur­ing were the other major contributo­rs to economic growth in the third quarter. Increased gold and platinum production saw the mining industry grow by 6.6 percent, while the 4.3 percent rise in manufactur­ing was spurred on by increased production of both petroleum and metal products.

Four industries, however, saw a decline in economic activity in the third quarter. Falling employment numbers in the public sector saw general government services posting its third consecutiv­e quarter of negative growth, contractin­g by 0.7 percent.

Other notable industries that saw a decline were trade and electricit­y, water and gas. Despite a rebound in retail trade sales, falling wholesale trade sales pulled the trade industry down by 0.4 percent.The electricit­y, water and gas industry experience­d a 5.5 percent contractio­n, a result of falling electricit­y demand.

Source: Statistics South Africa

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