Road Trip

Drowsy Preventing Driving

- Text: Supplied/motus Cars

With the holidays fast approachin­g, many of us are looking forward to getting away for a welldeserv­ed break. Before you embark on a holiday road trip, however, make sure you rest up, as according to a report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the risk of you being involved in a car accident spikes with every hour of lost sleep.

Many people are not fully aware of the adverse outcomes that drowsy driving carries. Drowsy driving is a state in which a person becomes inattentiv­e and feels sleepy, resulting in slower reaction time towards the objects on the road. This considerab­ly reduces the driver’s and occupants’ safety and puts other road users at risk. Research by the AAA Foundation found that about 20% of fatal accidents in the US involve a drowsy driver. In South Africa, statistics are just as severe.

Here are some signs that should tell a driver to stop and rest: - Difficulty focusing, frequent blinking, or heavy eyelids,

- daydreamin­g; wandering or disconnect­ed thoughts.

- trouble rememberin­g the last few kilometres driven; missing exits or traffic signs.

- yawning repeatedly or rubbing your eyes,

- trouble keeping your head up, and - feeling restless and irritable.

If you notice any of the warning signs mentioned, stop your vehicle immediatel­y and have a nap for 20 minutes. Sleep is the only cure for drowsy driving. Just make sure you park at a safe place. Here are some tips to help prevent drowsy driving:


Having someone to talk to while you are driving will keep you awake. Plus, now you have two people keeping an eye on the warning signs mentioned above. Switch driver seats frequently to break up large chunks of long-distance driving.


You are naturally sleepier at night than you are during the day, thanks to our biological clock. This will put you at higher risk for drowsy driving during the night. Driving in the dark is also less stimulatin­g because there is less to see to keep you awake.


Stop regularly for breaks. Get some fresh air, grab a coffee and stretch your legs.


Make sure you get at least seven to eight hours of good quality sleep before embarking on a long road trip.

Do not underestim­ate the impact fatigue has on your driving ability! Visit the for further info and road trip tips.

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| Images: Supplied

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