Saturday Star

‘Premier in stable condition after collapse’


NORTHERN Cape Premier Hazel Jenkins collapsed, midway through delivering her State of the Province address, during the opening of the Northern Cape Provincial Legislatur­e yesterday.

By yesterday after noon the reason for her collapse, after experienci­ng a black-out, had not been establishe­d.

Jenkins wiped her brow and slurred a few words before she lost consciousn­ess at the podium.

Fellow members of the legislatur­e tried in vain to revive her by fanning pieces of paper and designer hats over her head.

Jenkins remained unresponsi­ve for the time it took for paramedics to arrive and lift her on to a stretcher. She was carried out of the venue, at the Christian Revival Church.

Northern Cape Provincial Legislatur­e Speaker Boeboe van Wyk instructed gasping members of the public to re- main in their seats while the Polmusca choir broke out in song to maintain calm.

“Sushi King” Kenny Kunene, dressed in a clerical cassock and super shiny white shoes, removed his sun- glasses due to the shock.

Office of the Premier personnel reprimande­d the media for keeping their cameras rolling.

The house sitting was adjourned for lunch as only the premier was designated to read out the address. Copies of her speech were confiscate­d by Office of the Premier spokespeop­le as it had not been completely finished.

During an urgent press conference that was held later, Van Wyk said another house sitting would be reschedule­d to allow the premier, or an acting premier, to continue with the speech.

He did not recall the premier as suffering from any serious health problems.

He denied that she was under any political pressure amid calls from the ANC Youth League, to reshuffle the provincial cabinet as well as other political parties who want MEC for Finance, Economic Affairs and Tourism John Block to step down.

Yesterday after noon, health director-general Justice Bekebeke announced that Jenkins was in a stable condition.

He said various tests would be perfor med as a precaution.

 ?? PICTURE: LIZÉLL MULLER ?? Dr Dion Thys, head of the Department of Health, places the premier in a recovery position after she collapsed yesterday. With them are mayor Agnes Ntlhangula and Deputy Speaker Juanita Beukes.
PICTURE: LIZÉLL MULLER Dr Dion Thys, head of the Department of Health, places the premier in a recovery position after she collapsed yesterday. With them are mayor Agnes Ntlhangula and Deputy Speaker Juanita Beukes.

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