Saturday Star

High protein, low carb plan worked for me


I AM a 58-year-old mother of four grown-up children whose weight had escalated over the years to 87.5kg. Being only 1.56m in height, I needed to lose a third of my body weight to be in a healthy BMI range of 23-25.

I had tried everything – read every diet book and tried every diet, taken appetite suppressan­ts and visited doctors and slimming salons. I was on high blood pressure and cholestero­l tablets – my blood pressure was 160 and my cholestero­l was teetering over 8.

As I saw myself creeping up to 90kg, and facing serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, I took stock of the situation and joined a group of self-helpers called Food Addicts Anonymous, a group of formerly seriously obese women in the US who work on the same principles as AA and Narcotics Anonymous, except the drug of choice is food, or rather any food with flour and sugar. It is free to join and all you need is a sponsor who has gone through the programme.

Yes, you guessed right, the main ingredient­s are protein, salads and vegetables, with lots of fats (butter, olive oil, mayonnaise) and minimal carbs (oats in the morning) and limited fruit. After following the programme for five months, I have lost 20kg, with 10kg more to go. I have never felt more energised or healthy. I am never hungry and my skin glows from the oils – no parched dehydrated skin!

I have no hunger cravings and sit down to three healthy and balanced meals a day – with no carbs. I have exercised, including running and swimming, throughout the eating plan.

I have still to go back to the doctor for a check up but a nurse in the pharmacy measured my blood pressure and cholestero­l after I had lost 10kg and my blood pressure was down to 140, my cholestero­l down to 5.6.

I am expecting further improvemen­ts as my weight continues to drop.


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