Saturday Star

Sexy male strippers raise funds – and ire

Mom says naked men waving their bits ‘vile’ at a primary school


HOCKED mothers have slammed an English primary school after it organised a “sordid” performanc­e by oiled-up male strippers for a fund-raising event.

More than 100 women watched performanc­es by “All the Way Jay” and “Tommy Love” from the dance group Dream Men, to benefit Clavering Primary School in Essex, earlier this month.

Two mothers said they would be pulling their children out of the school after expressing disgust over the “vile” ladies’ night organised to raise funds.

One, a mother of five, who asked not to be named, called the event a “disgrace” and is demanding an explanatio­n from the school.

The 32-year-old former bar manager said: “I could not believe they used a male stripper night to raise money for a primary school. The parents who organised it are sordid, disgusting people.

“We try to teach our children about healthy eating, but what about morals? I don’t want my children using computers funded by such a disgusting event.”

She added: “I am not a

Sprude. I have worked in bars all my life, but you can’t have these events associated with our children’s education.

“I don’t think anything has ever made me quite so angry,” she added. “I don’t want people associatin­g my children with the stripper school.”

During the show one young mother was reportedly dragged up on stage in front of the whole crowd before a stripper waved his genitals in her face.

And in another perfor mance All the Way Jay covered his body in glow-in-the-dark paint before gyrating to the baying crowd.

The night, which was hosted by a parents’ associatio­n in Clavering village hall on February 3, cost £800 (about R10 000).

The angry mother added: “The event was a disgrace. One woman was dragged on the stage and one of the strippers waved his bits right in her face.

“Ironically, the woman from the organising committee who booked the strippers was not even allowed to attend the show because her husband disapprove­d.”

Melody Carter, who has lived in the village for 40 years and has seen her sons and grandsons attend the school, said: “I was horrified when I heard this was happening in our small, local rural community.

“I fully understand how strapped for cash some rural schools are, but I have a problem with using something as sordid and distastefu­l as this to raise money.”

A spokesman from Dream Men this week said the women enjoyed the night.

“When you see the words ‘male stripper’ it can sound seedy, but we offer something for everyone, including comedy, music and dancing,” he said.

“The ladies seemed to really enjoy it and they raised a lot of money.”

In total, £1 560 was raised for Clavering Primary and a local pre-school.

A spokeswoma­n for Friends of Clavering said there was “no involvemen­t” from the school in the event.

She said: “The event was not held on school grounds, no publicity was aimed at pupils and no minors were allowed.

“The Friends of Clavering’s only aim is to raise muchneeded funds for the school and is saddened to hear this event may have caused offence.”

A spokeswoma­n for Clavering Primary said: “We trust money for the schools (was raised) using reputable and appropriat­e means.

“We are sorry to learn that some parents were upset to learn of the recent event and assure them future events will be considered more carefully and the schools made fully aware of them.”

 ??  ?? THE STRIPPERS: What the moms saw ...
THE STRIPPERS: What the moms saw ...

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