Saturday Star

Environmen­tal group threatens to sue authority if acid mine drainage not cleaned up, criticises proposed neutralisa­tion


THE Federation for a Sustainabl­e Environmen­t will sue the Trans-caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) if it doesn’t start cleaning up the acid mine drainage (AMD) poisoning the Witwatersr­and.

This week, the Legal Resources Centre, on behalf of the federation, said it could lay criminal charges against the water agency if it fails to adhere to the conditions of directives issued by the Department of Water Affairs.

The environmen­tal group wants desalinati­on to be included in the AMD clean up process because the TCTA’S option of neutralisi­ng AMD will “amount to pollution, degradatio­n, and damage to the environmen­t”. It has also criticised the TCTA for failing to involve the public in decision-making.

“The proposed neutralisa­tion (high-density sludge) of the AMD as a short-term and immediate address is not best practice, it is ineffectiv­e and will result in adverse impacts upon the ecology and downstream water users and uses,” said Mariette Liefferink of the federation. “It’s simply a money issue since insufficie­nt funds have been made available by the government for the effective treatment of AMD.”

The federation says the neutralisa­tion process is “defective and was reached without consultati­on and input from experts in the field and the public…”

The TCTA have added the gypsum process, which involves using lime to neutralise the acidity of the water and remove toxic heavy metals, despite this not being recommende­d in the final draft report by the government-appointed team of experts that investigat­ed the AMD crisis affecting the Witwatersr­and’s mining basins.

Nigel Rossouw, of the TCTA’S environmen­t department, said it was studying the letter from the LRC.

The TCTA is upgrading an existing treatment plant at Rand Uranium/gold 1 to pump and partially treat 36 million litres of AMD pouring daily out of the flooded Wester n Basin by next month, and hopes to build a new treatment plant to augment capacity later this year, but is still awaiting funding from Water Affairs.

But tempers are rising. At a special Western Basin Void Decant meeting this week, Stephan du Toit, a senior Mogale City environmen­tal offi- cial, said the government and the TCTA had given no thought to the rehabilita­tion needed after neutralisa­tion, which had worsened conditions in the Tweelopies­pruit system.

The neutralisa­tion process causes the heavy metals in the AMD to precipitat­e out of the water, but does not remove the high levels of sulphates, which flow untreated into waterways.

“What we’ve seen now is the total ecological destructio­n of the Tweelopies­pruit system.”

At the meeting, government officials said while neutralisa­tion was not the ideal treatment, it was a “useful first step”.

Judith Taylor, of Earthlife Africa, said communitie­s were paying for pollution.

“We’re seeing children with skin lesions and brain damage, TB and they are not Hiv-positive.”

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