Saturday Star

Rape at Zoo Lake shocks staff and public


A RAPE at Zoo Lake yesterday has shocked people using the park and prompted calls for tighter security.

The 65-year-old woman was raped while out jogging with her dogs at about 9am.

It is alleged that a 23-yearold man in the park approached the woman and asked for R20. He then overpowere­d her and pushed her to the ground.

Yesterday workers at the park pointed out the gum trees where the rape occured.

Police spokesman Sergeant Lloyd Ramovha said the rape was witnessed by a woman who works for City Parks.

She said she heard a woman screaming and went to investigat­e with her colleague. Passersby helped detain the man.

Female security officers, who did not want to be identified, said the employee told them she had gone as far as pulling up the woman’s underwear to restore her dignity.

“Kgomotso (no sur name was given) told us the woman was shaking and terrified. She rushed to comfort her and quickly pulled up her panties. What happened was dreadful,” they said.

They added the suspect was apprehende­d when he tried to pull up his pants.

Part-time boat operator Rodeck Makhamanji said he was on his way to the Lions’ boat house when he noticed a commotion.

According to Makhamanji, the suspect apologised profusely to the victim.

“He kept on saying sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” he said.

At 4pm parents with their children and others using the park for exercise expressed their dismay.

“I didn’t know. Something needs to be done about security in this area. I walk here everyday,” said a local doctor. His sentiments were shared by two other women taking a walk.

A hawker selling crafts near Moyo’s restaurant said the park was generally safe because police patrol the area.

City Parks spokesman Jenny Moodley said: “We are taken aback by the incident as this is the first of its kind. We would like, however, to stress the park has dedicated security guards near the children’s playing area. We are now waiting for the police report.”

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