Saturday Star

‘Catastroph­ic’ climate woes ahead

Some optimism, but still much pessimism among scientists that talks will bear fruit


PROFESSOR Bob Scholes may have served as a convening lead author for the UN’s Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, but even he knows there is a degree of “global fatigue” and “cynicism” around the global climate negotiatio­ns.

This he largely attributes to the dismal failure of the 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen and the “glacial pace” of climate negotiatio­ns ever since.

Still, Scholes believes that “significan­t outcomes” are possible from the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in December, which is expected to achieve a longawaite­d legally binding and universal agreement from the world’s nations.

“Disenchant­ment with the treaty negotiatio­n process is not the same thing as unconcern about the climate,” says Scholes. “I think more people are more concerned now than ever before. Profession­al negotiator­s are by nature and training quite cynical. The expectatio­ns of ordinary people are much higher than that.”

Climate campaigner­s argue that not enough progress is being made towards reaching a fair and adequate climate treaty, which is supposed to be finalised in Paris.

Scholes argues that the climate negotiatio­ns are not the only place where climate action takes place. “Some of the biggest changes on the ground are happening in corporates and at local government level, all around the world, including South Africa and especially the US.

“The drivers are not solely philanthro­pic; it turns out to make good business and developmen­t sense. For instance, the last round of wind energy developmen­t tenders were awarded at about half the price than Medupi will cost us.”

The world’s top three emitter groupings have already indicated a willingnes­s to set targets significan­tly more ambitious than the Kyoto Protocol’s targets: the US, China and the EU.

Scholes welcomes the “moral authority” of Pope Francis, who this week urged the world’s leaders to act to stop “extraordin­ary” climate change from destroying the planet, reminding wealthy countries that they bear responsibi­lity for causing climate change.

But Dr Tristen Taylor, the project co-ordinator of Earthlife Africa Joburg, fears that any agreement that will emerge from Paris will be a “symbolic, though empty” gesture.

“Very few countries are engaging in real mitigation (many the opposite) and it’s hard to see a deal coming out of Paris that will keep emissions below two degrees.

“The result of previous failed Conference of the Parties (COPs) is to make future mitigation even harder.

“Drastic action is required (like never building a new coal plant anywhere from today, drasticall­y reducing aviation and shipping emissions from today and halting deforestat­ion in the world’s tropical forests) and a failure to take action now just means even harder actions in the future.

“The world’s ‘leaders’ are likely to avoid drastic actions, and kick such actions down the road for when they are out of power.

“What is likely to be achieved is some sort of political deal that will have the effect of locking us into at least three degrees temperatur­e rise this century and little, if no meaningful support, for developing nations.”

In South Africa, the government has not shown its commitment to slashing greenhouse gas emissions. “Middle-income countries have to reduce their emissions if we are to keep below two degrees and (South Africa) is, in fact, seeking to increase those emissions with additional coal-fired power generation through Medupi and Kusile, plus the upcoming rounds of the coal Independen­t Power Producer procuremen­t programme and shale gas.”

Melita Steele, climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace, agrees.

“If the government was serious about avoiding catastroph­ic climate change, this country would be urgently transition­ing away from coal (and false solutions like nuclear) and embracing a combinatio­n of renewable energy and energy efficiency.”

On the Paris climate talks, she says: “There is no doubt that there is always a risk that the COP negotiatio­ns will not deliver what is required by science to avoid catastroph­ic climate change. However, the negotiatio­ns are still one of the best hopes for delivering a deal that is focused on a renewable future and incorporat­es binding emissions reductions.”

Ferrial Adam, the Africa and Arab world team leader of 350africa, agrees that the real work to combat climate change is happening outside of the climate negotiatio­ns.

“The (fossil fuel) divestment movement is growing significan­tly, and people around the world are demanding change. I don’t think we’ll get that from the negotiatio­ns. We should have had a binding agreement years ago, and we still don’t.”

 ?? PICTURE: BLOOMBERG ?? THREATENIN­G: Steam billows from cooling towers at a coal-fired power station, and world leaders are likely to ‘kick the problem down the road’.
PICTURE: BLOOMBERG THREATENIN­G: Steam billows from cooling towers at a coal-fired power station, and world leaders are likely to ‘kick the problem down the road’.

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